What you want - H2OVanoss Fanfic - Chap. 2

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Delirious's POV
After multiple days of planning, booking and panicking, Evan and I had finally figured out what was going to go down when I got to his house. This amazingly awesome list of super creative Ideas included:
-Lots of video games
-Me getting to pick which movie we watch.
Vanoss's POV
After a long arguement with Delirious about who would get to pick the movie, I finally gave in. I knew he was going to make it the cheesiest movie he could find, just to make me suffer through it. Being alone in My house, I got time to decide that whatever we did would be up to him. He got 100% control over whatever we did, and that I wouldn't be allowed to complain over anything.
Delirious's POV
When Evan skyped me at the airport when I was waiting for my flight, and told me that Whatever we did was always going to be up to me, my mind went to the weird yet wonderful place.
Yep, this'll be a fun trip.

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