My Dad's Friend: 05

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A lump formed in my throat hearing the sound of her voice. 

"Hello, Tristan. How have you been, you seemed to be in a bad mood" her voice came again, and instantly, my mood turned sour as I gripped the phone held to my ear.

"What do you want?" I gritted through my teeth and she gasped.

"Tristan, that's not the way to speak to your mother!" She scolded but I rolled my eyes...the nerve of this woman!

"Don't forget your place Mom, Don't even for a second cross the line!" I gritted and the other side went quiet, I signed, suddenly feeling frustrated. "If you're calling for nothing, am gonna hang up...!"

"Wait..!" Her sharp voice came. "Actually, I called because I thought you could come home, your dad and I had a bit of falling out lately and we thought for once let's put our businesses aside and settle our issues as a family" she passed and I dramatically sighed.

I've heard tons of this bullshit,  I was not into the mood to fall for her crap.

The thing was, I  had the worst relationship with this woman because first, she wasn't my real mother but my stepmom, and second, she wanted to take my mother's place in my dad's life which she had already stolen because she was once my mom's best friend before she died while giving birth to me. My Dad married her a week after my mom's death. I called her mom because I had to do it for the public, everyone thought she was my real mother because she had always been around all my life and what she said every time that made me loathed her the most was the fact that she said, she was shaping me the way my real mother would have. She always reminded me that she wasn't my real mother because my real mother wouldn't try to control what I do and who I be with, my real mother would care about my happiness and not what would make her happy because she didn't like it, my birth mother wouldn't try to betroth me for money or the sake of the company and...the worse part....? My dad actually believed her to be right in everything. In his eyes, she was the perfect wife, ten times better than his late wife. 

And a year ago, when I finally got the chance to leave that hole called home, I grabbed it and went to college, I didn't have to see their faces anymore.

I used to love her though, I used to actually believed her to my mother because growing up, she didn't make me feel like I didn't have a mother but all those came crashing down when she was made the CEO of my Mom's company, she turned the control freaked.

Telling me what I should say to people, what I should wear, who I should be friends with, who I should date, and who I should speak got to the point it got so frustrating that I nearly lost my mind and I wished my birth mother was alive.

"Honey, are you still there?" Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Look Mom, settle it yourselves, you're the ones falling out. Why should I be there for that shit!" I growled. "And besides, do you expect me to just leave my studies, are you even thinking?!" I snapped, Jarvis raised his eyebrow at me. He was the only one who knew the relationship I had with my dad and my stepmom.

"Tristan?" My Dad's voice came. "You should control your tone when speaking with your mom. This idea was mine and you're coming home whether you like it or not. Pack your bags, I already spoke with your school management to give you a two-month leave and they agreed. You're leaving first thing in the morning!"

The line went off with a loud beep.

"The fuck!!" I shouted in frustration, throwing my phone at a far distance, only the crashing sound was heard.

"What's wrong men?" Jarvis grilled.

"Am going back to that shit hole and I'll be staying for two months. I hate my life"

"Sucks for you bro" Jarvis palmed my back assuringly.

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