My Dad's Friend: 21

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I tossed and turned, being unable to shut my eyes and sleep like every normal person. I groaned loudly in frustration, throwing my legs and hands, I turned on my side, grabbing my cellphone on the table, I switched it off, finding out the time was 11 pm and it was freaking crawling!

I sighed feeling infuriated and demoralized. Why couldn't I freaking sleep?! Oh! I knew why!

It was because of that doctor a few rooms away from me, giving me sleepless nights unknowingly, for two freaking days!

I found myself carving for his warmth, that sensation I felt when his arms were wrapped securely around me. It was the first time I found that much peace and I wanted it again!

Groaning for the nth time, I kicked off the blankets from my body and got off the bed...

I walked out of the room, entering the quiet and lonesome hall, tiptoeing and keeping my steps light, I headed towards the guest room.

Bring my hand up, I slowly knocked on the door but it opened with a little twisting sound. Seemed like he didn't lock his door!

Shrugging, I pushed the door slowly and peeked my head inside, I saw his bed empty and untouched. With a frown, I let the rest of my body in, shutting the door behind me, locking it. I instantly spotted him at the study desk fast asleep with his head rested and his cheek pressed on the desk, his laptop opened but had a blank screen while papers were scattered everywhere. Such a workaholic!

I head towards, stopped a few inches away, I bent with my hands on my knees as I stared at his side view. His expression seemed disturbed as his features were twisted, totally different when he was awake. I lifted my hand and brushed a strain of hair covering his eye and my wrist was suddenly grabbed, I gasped being caught off guard while his eyes flew open, gleaming with so much malice and my neck was suddenly grabbed and I was flipped harshly, my bad landing on the desk with a strong impact, I gasped once again from the sharp pain that shoots through my back but that pain was left unforgotten when my eyes met those dark, yet red eyes, staring deadly and filled with anger yet hurt. For the first time, I saw an emotion in those eyes while sweats tackled down his forehead. My hand went to grab his wrist but his grip was too strong and mighty, he was freaking choking me!

"Se-!" I tried to speak but I felt my air supply being cut off. "Sean, wake up it's me, Tristan!" I managed to choke out, struggling with his grip on my neck.

"Tristan?!" I wanted as his eyes instantly softened, it was as if he was snapped back to reality as he immediately let go of my neck, stepped away from me fearfully.

I sat up straight, going into a coughing fit as I hit my chest and filled my lungs with air, I could feel my vision getting blurry with unshed tears. Damn, his grip was freaking strong!

"Tri-Tristan-" he stepped forward but retreated helplessly, throwing his head back and wiping his face with his hand. "Oh my god, what have I done?!" He tried stepping closer to me again but I shifted back, my body reacting on his own, he halted and moved back, I could see the look of horror, fear, and panic in his eyes. He moved away from me while I managed to calm down.

I got up from the desk, ignoring the pain in my back. I walked towards him but he retreated. "Are you alright?" My voice was lashed with concern as I extended my hands out to grab his hand.

"You should leave Tristan, I might hurt you"

His pain-filled voice caused a sting in my heart as I reached out for him again.

"You won't hurt me" I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me, I slowly wrapped my hands around his torsos and rested my head on his chest, hearing his pounding heartbeat. "It's okay, you are fine"

I felt his body froze and tense up for a moment before he relaxed and wrapped his strong arms around me, holding me so tightly as if I would disappear if he held me any less. I hummed in content, knowing I somehow helped him, even though it wasn't enough.

Feeling that he was calm enough, I broke the hug and cupped his cheek, staring deeply into his eyes filled with raw emotions. The emotions and sensation he hid behind his blank eyes, emotions I recognized as grief. He brought his hands up, tilting my face to the side, he gazed down at my neck, which I believe displayed a red mark. His eyes turned sorrowful and regretful.

I stared back at him "hey, hey, you didn't hurt me that much, no need to feel guilty. After all, it was my fault for disturbing your unconscious form. You must have had a nightmare" I smiled encouragingly.

"I am not a child Tristan, I know I hurt you badly"

I giggled at his words, held his head down, and pressed our foreheads together. "Yes, you did" I admitted since that was what he wanted but it was just a little bit of pain I could endure.

"You don't deserve that" His warm breathe fanned against my face.

I leaned my head back, noticed the extra bags under his eyes. "You must be tired, let's sleep" I grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the bed.

"I don't think I will be able to sleep, Tristan" he protested but I made him lay on his back, his head on my lap, my fingers brushing through his hair. I leaned down and pressed my lips on his forehead deeply, drawing back.

"You are not going to ask me?"

I shook my head at his question. It wasn't that I didn't care, oh it worried and scared me about what he must be going through but I was still a stranger and I wanted him to be comfortable with me first. "I'll wait till you are ready to tell me, for now, sleep" I instructed.

"Thank you, Kitten"

I watched as his lips tried to curve into a smile but failed once more, being restrained again.

I continued to brush my fingers into his hair tenderly and softly and I watched as his eyes fluttered shut. I smiled in triumph. "Everything is going to be alright" I whispered, pressing my lips on his forehead once again.

At that moment, I accepted the fact that I was no longer straight.

My Dad's Friend (Boyslove)Where stories live. Discover now