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"i'm sorry for asking but, if can i know, is Haejin suffer from something or..?" i hesitated to ask but i'm too curious because Haejin i know was a soft, cute girl and Sunoo once said that his sister in a critical state.

"she was suffering from cancer. It's been 7 years.. Actually she has a weak body. At first the doctor said that's normal because we are twin. I know there also twins which both of them are healthy but us were not. She's really suffering in her life. You know, i'm really happy that she meet you. These past 7 years she always getting away from boys. Nope. Even girls, she get away from them thinking that she will death anytime and leaving her friends without saying anything. But you approach her first. I feel realy thankful for that."

I'm out of words.

"You can read her diary. You can keep it. She talks a lot about you though. That girl won't say anything to me about you because scared that i will tease her."

I can't help but smile. Even after her death, she's still cute.

"Jungwon-a, it may be random but i feel happy for having you by my side. Become my friend and also her friend. You're such a good friend, thank you Jungwon-a"


Tteokpokki Jib [EN-Jungwon short story]Where stories live. Discover now