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It's been one week and with this one week Lu Biyu really wants to cry but can't shed any tears! This ancient time he doesn't want this he wants to go back and enjoy the modern society!

That fucking car is the reason that's why he came across to this time. Yes that's right that car who bumped into him and caused his death! if this laozi gets to know the driver of the car I'll choke him to death!!


"Young Master! Young Master!" His thoughts got interrupted because of that shout.

"What are you shouting about!?" He also shouted angrily to that servant.

The servant jolted because of his young master's angry shout. He hurriedly knelt and said what needed to be said." Young Master, this servant heard from the people outside that the second prince is having his stroll at the west market right now."

"What?Why did you just inform me now. Hurry,help me change my clothes!" He hurriedly said. He springs to his seat and runs to his chamber to change.

The servant who got shouted at twice in a row didn't know what to say. He just shook his head and followed the young master.

It's been one week when the young master keeps asking about the second prince,his fiancee. Everything the Second Prince does the young master must be informed.

"What do you think the Second Prince looks like?" Lu Biyu asks his servant while looking at the mirror.

Actually he and the original owner of this body really didn't know what the second prince look like but rumors are circulating that the second prince is really handsome together with his general temperament. Lots of women and ger who want to be married to him but he doesn't care. This marriage between him and the second prince it's because of the Emperor's edict and the second prince can't do anything about it.

He asks the family members of the Lu family what does the second prince look like but all of them just give him a smile or a glance.

"Young Master, this servant also doesn't know what His highness looks like." His servant replies and he just gives a "hmp" for a reply.

His servant doesn't know what to do with the attitude of his young master. He became childish in the past few days.

"Young Master, should we use the carriage or do you want to walk?" Ask his servant.

"Walk? I don't want to." He replied with a pout. Walk that word he doesn't have it in his dictionary tho.

After a while the carriage is ready and he gets in.

"Depart." He shouted with a giggles because he heard that the coachman in front got startled.

The servant at the side also got startled with his young master's shout and he sighs.

"Xiaomi, are we not yet there?" He asked impatiently while lifting the curtain for him to see the outside.

"We're almost there, young master." His servant reply


"Yes Young Master?"


"Young Master?"

After the servant answered the second call of his young master he heard a suppressed laughter inside the carriage and he became speechless.

"Xiaomi! Stop the carriage!" Lu Biyu shouted inside the carriage while looking in a certain direction.

The servant and coachman both got startled and stopped the carriage.

"Young Master, is something wrong?" He hurriedly asked while opening the door of the carriage. He is just about to step in when Lu Biyu pushes him aside and runs out of the carriage.

"Young Master! Wait for this servant! Young Master slow down! Don't run! If something happens to you the Lord Marques and the Madam will kill me!" The servant shouted while following his Young Master who ran fast.

The cold sweat on his forehead is already forming just thinking if something really happens to his young master the Lord Marques and Madam won't spare him.

Lu Biyu who ran away found his way to where his Dage walked together with his subordinate.

He looks in every direction while running and he sees his Dage standing in front of a stall who is selling some accessories for women and ger.

"Dage!" He shouted with a bright smile pasted on his face. His Dage who is looking intently on one of the hairpin looks back at him when he hears the familiar voice.


"Dage, Found you HAHAHA." He replied and he threw himself to his dage's embrace.

"Yuyu,What are you doing here? Where is your servant?" Lu Chao the Eldest in the Lu family asks his younger brother who is panting because of running.

When Lu Biyu heard the question he pointed his finger in the direction of Xiaomi who was staggering just to catch up to him. He couldn't help but to laugh a little after seeing this.

"Look Dage!" He said while laughing.

"Xiaomi" Lu Chao called out to the servant.

"E-eldest Master." Xiaomi replied with a trembling voice he didn't expect that the person the young master encountered is the Eldest Master. His knees almost give up because of this fact! Who didn't know that the Eldest Master doted to his younger brother to the bone. If anyone messes up or makes the youngest cry, the Eldest will send troops if possible.

"What are the two of you doing here?" Lu Chao asked with a slightly cold voice.

"E-Eldest Master, t-the young master w-want to go out and stroll and this servant can't keep the young master this servant doesn't have an authority to restrict young master to go out."Xiaomi replied with cold sweat in his palms and forehead.

"Dage, Don't be angry with Xiaomi." Lu Biyu said while tagging the sleeve of his Dage's military uniform." Dage accompanied me while strolling and shopping. This is my first time here and I don't know which direction to go." Lu Biyu added.

His acting is really improving, even though he doesn't know if he is really just doing an act or his behavior is really what he wants. But he keeps chanting in his mind to just go with the flow and live his life because right now he is the owner of this body and he just needs to do what he likes and enjoy nothing more.

"Alright, I'll accompany you,don't leave my sight ,okay?" His Dage replies to him with a smile on his face.

Lu Chao takes the lead while walking, beside him is Lu Biyu behind them is Xiaomi together with the soldiers that are guarding them side by side.


Biyu- meaning "jasper, the precious stone"

Chao- meaning "victory"

Dage- meaning "Elder brother"

Laozi- meaning "I,Your Father"

Lu- meaning "Road".)

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