Chapter 4

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Toni giggled as she sat in her bed, phone to her ear as she twirled a lock of her pink hair between her fingers. She currently sat on the phone with Jughead who wanted to fill her in with what she missed that day at school. Her butt was extremely sore from the day before and she decided not to go, telling her mother she didn't feel well. She wasn't so sure her mother believed her but she allowed her to stay home anyways so it didn't matter.

She couldn't really sit down properly so she had been lying on her stomach all day, reading magazines and watching T.V until Jughead called. They had to have been talking for over an hour already now. She looked up at the sound of her door being pushed open and found Cheryl walking in. Her breath hitched slightly at the sight of her before a grin broke out onto her lips. She hadn't expected to be seeing her today.

"Hey Cher!" She giggled with a wave and Cheryl gave her a small nod as she shut and locked the door before sitting down at the computer chair and crossing her legs. "Sorry Jughead. What did you say?" she asked when she remembered that she was on the phone. She nodded her head as he repeated himself but kept her eyes on Cheryl who was pulling papers from her book bag.

"I brought your homework." She said and Toni nodded her head before turning her attention back to her phone conversation as Jughead said something funny. She began to giggle and twirl her hair once more because she wasn't really good at having two different conversations at once. She'd just have to finish her conversation with Jughead first before talking to Cheryl.

Cheryl appeared to not mind waiting. She simply watched Toni from the chair and glancing to her red nails every once in a while. Toni looked to her every now and then. After about another ten minutes Cheryl opened her bag again and began to dig through it. She pulled an item from it that had Toni's jaw dropping and her eyebrows touching her hair line.

"Jughead, I'll have to call you back." She spit out quickly before she hung up, not even allowing Jughead to say another word. Cheryl didn't look up, just kept her light brown eyes on the object in her hand. She looked over the length of it and Toni did the same before she bit her lip in the silence.

"I wanted to try something new today." She finally said before she dropped her bag to the floor and stood up. She walked over to the bed and sat down next to Toni. "So I went down to the store after school and bought this little thing. I thought you might like it." She said as Toni sat up right on the bed, trying to be careful on her tender bottom.

"I love new toys." She giggled.

"I bet you do." Cheryl chuckled before she stood up to remove her jacket. "How's your ass?" she asked with a raised eyebrow and Toni quickly moved back on the bed only wincing slightly as her butt pressed to the mattress. She opened her legs when Cheryl climbed onto the bed and immediately slid between them.

"It's okay." She lied as she leaned forward to press her lips against Cheryl's only to have her lean away slightly.

"Maybe you should be on top this time." She whispered, their lips barely touching before pulling back to take her own shirt off. Toni stared up at her as the butterflies entered her stomach and her heart began to race. Cheryl rarely allowed her to be on top. Because she knew the thing Cheryl loved most about this thing between them was the power that Toni gave her when they were having sex. Cheryl loved being on the top. She loved to be in control. She just loved the power, that was her thing. Toni loved to be spanked and Cheryl loved complete domination.

She also knew the reason for Cheryl being so nice was that she felt guilty for what she did yesterday. Cheryl was always real nice after she was too mean to Toni. Toni was never going to tell her how much she actually liked being hit with the hair brush and just the memory of it was causing her core to throb with a familiar feeling.

"Okay." She whispered back as she removed her own shirt and quickly moved to take off her shorts as she watched Cheryl slide out of her jeans as well. "Wait- What about you and Reggie?" She asked as Cheryl climbed back into the bed. She knew they had been on the verge of getting back together but the still visible hickey on Cheryl's neck probably stopped them. She bit her lip, wishing that she hadn't asked when Cheryl's eyes narrowed and her lips pulled into a deep frown.

"Don't worry about it." She scuffed before she slammed her lips against Toni's and immediately forced her tongue into her mouth. Toni moaned softly as she cupped Cheryl's face. Cheryl's hands ran up her thighs before the older girl was shifting to sit down next to her without breaking their kiss. She ran one hand up the inside of Toni's thigh before softly cupping her center through her panties. Toni rocked her hips up only to whimper as her ass rubbed against the bed. Cheryl pulled away from her lips at the sound. "Get on me, TT." She said with a pat to her own lap.

Toni bit her lip to try and hold back the smile before she sat up on her knees and threw a leg over Cheryl's lap, straddling the older girl. Cheryl cupped the back of her thighs, digging her nails in softly as she leaned up to kiss, lick and bit at Toni's neck. Toni sighed and allowed her eyes to flutter shut. She ran her fingers through red locks and held Cheryl close as the other girl continued with her attention on her neck and shoulder.

"Take your bra off." Cheryl whispered into her ear before she pulled back to watch. Toni did immediately as she was told, reaching back to unclip her bra. She slide it off her shoulders and tossed it to the side of the bed keeping her eyes on Cheryl the whole time, who couldn't remove her eyes from Toni's chest. She bit her lip as she reached up and took her own breast into her hands, gasping softly as her thumbs brushed her already hard nipples. "Fuck." Cheryl hissed as her hips bucked causing Toni to moan and rock her hips down in response.

Cheryl gripped her hips as they began to slowly grind against each other and Cheryl kept her eyes on Toni's hands as they pinched her own nipples harder, twisting them and causing her to hiss at the slight pain. Toni kept her eyes on Cheryl, loving to watch her face as she pleasured herself. Cheryl's cheeks were turning a light shade of pink. Her eyes dark and filled with her want. Toni loved when Cheryl looked at her like that. It made her feel like her chest was filling with some kind of fire that spread across the rest of her body.

Cheryl pushed one of her hands away after a while and replaced it with her mouth, digging her teeth into the flesh before swirling her tongue around the stiff bud. "Cheryl." She whined softly as she fisted the hair in her hand and gave it a hard tug. Cheryl groaned against her before she continued to take turns sucking and biting at Toni's breasts until they were red. Toni had begun to rock harder and faster against her, whimpering and moaning as she held Cheryl closer to her. "I'm going to explode." She whimpered and Cheryl pulled back, panting.

"Not yet. We haven't even gotten to the best part yet, baby girl." She smirked as she pushed Toni back a little bit so she could pull down her own panties and Toni still in a haze quickly followed her lead, taking her time dragging it down her sore ass before quickly dragging it down her thighs. She was barely settled back into position before Cheryl was cupping her sex again. She gripped Cheryl's shoulders as she moaned and bit her lip.


"Your already so wet, TT. I bet you can't wait to have this fake cock inside of you." She said while reaching with her free hand to the new toy that she had brought along with her. It was a light pink strapless strap-on around eight inches. They had talked about it before but had never actually tried it. She took the strap-on and lined the shorter in with her now dripping opening. Toni moaned with her as she pushed it all the way in. "Fuck." She panted.

Toni whimpered as she watched Cheryl adjust herself to the object inside of her before she was nodding her head for Toni to once more move back into her position over her lap. Toni immediately wrapped her arms around Cheryl, digging her nails into Cheryl's back and causing her to groan.

Cheryl gripped the base of her fake cock and moved it forward, stroking the head against Toni's folds before bumping her clit causing Toni to gasp and buck her hips forward. Cheryl smirked before leaning up and slamming her lips against Toni's. She kissed her hard, forcing her tongue between her lips to find Toni's as she rocked her hips forward, stroking Toni's clit with every thrust.

Toni held onto Cheryl tighter, panting through her nose as she tried to keep up with Cheryl's frantic and rough kissing. She felt her own juices run down her thighs, her core clench around nothing as the bumps against her clit sent shockwaves of pleasure through her body.

She pulled her lips away unable to take it anymore as she bucked her hips roughly. "Please Cheryl, inside, please." She moaned as Cheryl kissed down her jaw line to suck and bite roughly at her neck. Cheryl reached down and lined her cock with her dripping entrance. She stoked her wet folds a few times, coating her fake cock in Toni's juices.

She pushed in with a grunt and Toni moaned into her neck as she slowly sank herself farther down. "Fuck, Toni. You're tight." She groaned feeling the resistance as she pushed all the way in. Toni held on tightly to her as she fought to catch her breath, one hand gripped tightly to her back as the other took a fistful of red hair. "Come on, Toni. Ride me, baby." Cheryl finally laid back onto the pillows while gripping Toni's hips.

Toni bit her lip as she stared down at her before resting her hands on Cheryl's toned stomach and rocked her hips slowly. She gasped at feeling so full. She kept her eyes on Cheryl. Cheryl's eyes were low and dark, completely blown with her desire to watch Toni ride her. Her lower lip between her teeth and her cheeks flushed blood red. Toni inhaled deep, fighting the shudder that wanted to take hold of her body. She liked seeing Cheryl from this new angle.

She felt a tug on her hips and knew she had been staring for too long. She giggled softly mostly to herself at Cheryl's impatience before she rose her hips and dropped them back down. They both moaned at the feeling before Toni began a slow and steady pace. "Oh, God." Toni whimpered as she tossed her head back.

"Fuck." Cheryl whispered in return watching as the length of her fake cock disappeared into Toni's dripping opening before appearing once more. "Faster, babe." She encouraged and watched as Toni did what she was told, picking up her pace until she was panting and the bed squeaked with her efforts. Cheryl began to grunt softly as she met Toni thrust for thrust, digging her nails into Toni's hips as the younger girl did the same to her shoulders. "You ride my cock so well, TT."

"Cheryl." Toni whined as she worked harder, feeling the sweat pour at her back and the burn in her thighs but she only moved faster, chasing the peak she could feel building in the pit of her stomach. She lowered her body down pressing her mouth to Cheryl's in probably the sloppiest kiss they had ever shared. It was open mouthed with mostly teeth seeing how she was having a hard time finding Cheryl's tongue with her own from all the bouncing she was doing on top of her. Luckily, Cheryl reached up and cupped the back of her neck, steadying her enough for their tongues to find each other.

Her pace quickened once more, Cheryl dug her nails down her back roughly and Toni held onto the headboard to steady herself. "Cheryl, I-" she was close, so close but she just couldn't push herself over. She just needed a little more. "Cheryl please." She whimpered and heard Cheryl growl from underneath her.

"You have to work for it, Toni."

She felt Cheryl's nails dig sharply into her hips as Cheryl rocked up harder and faster, doing her best to try and help Toni come from under her but it still wasn't enough. She was positive her mother could hear the bed rocking into her floor from downstairs but she still needed more. Her lungs burned for air as she stared down at Cheryl who had fire in her eyes and fought the urge to take control. That was exactly what Toni wanted her to do now. As much as she liked being on top she needed Cheryl to take control.

"Pretty please."

Before she knew it she had been tossed onto her back and Cheryl was on top of her, staring down at her with burning brown eyes and messy hair. Cheryl grabbed her by the thighs and held them up by her hips as she slammed back into Toni who cried out at the rough treatment, the sting in her ass from being pressed against the mattress only seemed to fuel her lust. "Fuck. Is this what you want Toni? Want me to fuck that pussy?" She growled and Toni nodded her head as she gripped the sheets tightly in her fists.

"Yes! Please!"

Cheryl pumped into her harder than before and Toni cried out with every thrust until she felt Cheryl lightly press her hand to her throat. She opened her eyes and looked up at her once more. Cheryl was biting her lip, staring down at Toni's throat. She was waiting for permission. Toni gripped her arm as she nodded her head, giving her the okay to press down. Cheryl bent quickly and pressed a kiss to her lips before she wrapped her fingers around her throat tightly.

Toni gasped but found herself unable to get the air she needed. She felt the rest of her senses heighten. She allowed her eyes to flutter shut and just feel. She felt every thrust Cheryl took inside of her, the feel of their sweaty thighs rubbing together and the hard collision every time their hips met. She could hear every breath Cheryl took that was accompanied with a moan or a grunt. She could still taste Cheryl's lip gloss in her mouth and smell Cheryl's perfume all around her. Everything she tasted, smelled, felt, saw and heard was Cheryl. Cheryl consumed her at times like this.

And just like that she was coming. Her body shook with the intensity of her orgasm as it rocked through her. Her eyes rolled back and her mouth opened though a sound didn't escape it from the force being pressed into her throat. Her back arched as she lost feeling in her toes and fingers. The pleasure that hit her was so overwhelming she found her vision starting to blur and fade until Cheryl quickly released her neck.

"Jesus." She panted as she leaned back from Toni, her face showing concern as she got ready to pull out and give her space but Toni's grip on her hips stopped her. Toni blinked a few times as her vision cleared up and she took in a much needed breath of air.

"Don't stop." Toni's voice was barely above a whisper as she gripped Cheryl's hips and pulled them into her while slowly rolling her hips and Cheryl held herself up as she slowed her thrusts, helping Toni to ride out her high as she stared down at her. Toni's eyes fluttered shut and she arched her back, allowing the waves of pleasure running though her body to take her away.

Cheryl slowly stopped once Toni seemed to be completely back from her orgasm. She kissed her forehead before pulling out and rolling over to lie next to her instead. "That was amazing." Toni giggled suddenly feeling giddy. Cheryl sighed from next to her and ran her fingers through her hair. Toni looked over at her, sensing she wasn't as happy for some reason. "What's wrong?"

"You scared me." Cheryl rolled her eyes before looking over to meet Toni's eyes. Toni looked slightly confused. "When I was... choking you-you looked ready to pass out. I thought I was really hurting you." She said and Toni looked over Cheryl's face taking in how concerned she looked. It made her heart beat a little fast at the thought of Cheryl really caring about her. She couldn't fight her smile and it was Cheryl's turn to look confused at the sight of it.

"You really care about me, huh?" she asked with a giggle and Cheryl sighed with another roll of her eyes.

"Of course I do. You're my best friend."

"Tell me you love me!" Toni poked her in the stomach and Cheryl swatted her hand away.

"No!" she yelled with a glare and Toni pouted.

"Tell me." Cheryl looked away with a frown and Toni poked her again. "Cher tell me you love me!" She poked her harder and Cheryl swatted her hand away again before grabbing the pillow to smack her with it.


"I like it when you choke me." Toni watched as Cheryl's face softened slightly and she stared at Toni curiously.


"Because I like to be consumed by you." Toni answered barely above a whisper and the room fell silent. They both knew why she liked that. It was because Toni was in love with her and it was no secret to either of them, they just both chose to ignore it.

"I didn't know you knew what 'consumed' meant." Cheryl chuckled and Toni gasped as if she was hurt.

"What does that mean!?"

"It just means you're smarter than I thought." She shrugged her shoulders and shifted the sheets around her chest before she stood up. "Well anyways, I still don't think we should do it anymore. It was a little scary to see you start to black out like that." She said as she began to get dressed.

"Can we keep the toy though? Cause it's defiantly in my top ten." she said as she sat up on her elbows and looked around the room for it only to find it discarded beside her dresser. She heard Cheryl snort and looked back up to the older girl.

"Duh." She answered as she looked over to Toni. "I bet next time I could have you squirting with that thing" She said before pulling her shirt over her head. Toni bit her lip as she felt her cheeks heat up at Cheryl's words. Cheryl only smirked back at her.

"I guess we'll see next time."

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