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We looked at each other for what seemed like eternity. We looked into one another's eyes with the same emotions, but different meanings.

I turned around. I didn't want to see her, knowing that she didn't love me back. It was much like loving a cactus. The tighter I held onto her, the more it hurt.

Suddenly she said my name. Unlike all the times before, she said my name with wonder and discovery. "Five."

I quickly turned my head, my eyes open wide. "I-I think I remember one thing." She gasped. I laughed... well I tried to. A whimper escaped my mouth.

"You beat up my father. You saved me." She whispered, looking off into the distance. As if she was trying to go back in time and relive that moment.

I cleared my throat in disbelief. What changed?

"Yes." Was all I could muster. "Please let me walk around." She said with a pout on her lips. "I'm starting to remember things." She continued.

"Okay. Only for a minute." I ordered. Slowly I walked back towards her and untied her legs from the bed.

She slowly sat up. Before I could react, her leg was around my neck. Wrapping in a headlock.

"You really thought I changed?" She snarled. I pulled at her thighs, trying to free my airway. But much like a cactus, the tighter she held on, the more it hurt.

I frantically looked around the room. Searching for anything that would be of advantage to me.

There sitting next to her bedside table was a tray. I reached over and grabbed it. The metal , cold against my fingers.

Before she could do anything else, I whacked the tray across her head. Causing a loud crash to erupt.

She fell back onto the bed, groaning in pain. In between the groans she was laughing. Well trying not to.

"What's up your ass, fuckfist?" She sang. This time it was my turn to groan out in pain. But again it was not for the same reason.

I wasn't physically hurt. What hurts goes far beyond the surface.

"Oh! I see." Y/n sat up again, this time keeping all limbs on the bed. "You thought that once you found me, I'd start loving you." I glared at her.

"Well imma let you in on a little secret, five." She stretched out my name. "I will never love you." She paused for a second "Not now. Not ever."

My heart; the one that beats for her, stopped in it's track. I no longer felt like I had run a marathon. Rather drowned a thousand times.

My breath: the one I use when I said her name, it cut short. I'm Drowning.

My hands: my hands I used to caress her face, they curled into fists by my side. Trying to hold onto any air left that I had saved.

I walked out of the room, leaving the door open. I didn't care what she did next. Run away for all I care.

But the thing is, I did care. I cared so much that it hurt. It feels like my insides have been ripped out, played around with and stuffed back into my lifeless body. It was agonizing.

All deaths are sudden, no matter how gradual the dying may be. Was our love slowly dying? Or was I just too blind to notice?

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