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When Jeongin wakes up the next morning, he's only mildly surprised by the fact that his lips are still tingling ever-so slightly, because even before he opens his eyes he remembers who was at his penthouse last night and how soft his lips were. He can almost feel the hands all over his waist, hips, and back as Chan pushed him up to sit on his bathroom counter, the lavender in the candles overwhelming his senses and the song they were supposed to be studying on loop for the next half hour as Jeongin drowned deeper and deeper in Chan's lips.

He sits in bed for a few silent seconds before he breaks into a fit of disbelieving giggles, heart fluttering helplessly when he's reminded of how Chan didn't want to leave last night without one final kiss. The way that Chan groaned when Jeongin bit on to his bottom lip as he pulled away made the singer melt. He almost pulled Chan to him to steal another couple kisses but he knew that he had to send the composer home.

"Oh, god." he buries his head in his knees with something between a groan and a squeal. He feels like a middle schooler who just got noticed by their crush and for the first time in a long while, Jeongin forgets that he's practically a national treasure.

He doesn't take as long as he usually would getting ready. The scent of the lavender from the candles keep making his heart skip a beat and the last thing Jeongin wants is to faint in the shower. He does, however, smack on an extra layer of lip balm because the skin of his lips are going to start peeling if he doesn't stop biting on them every time Chan so much as crosses his mind.

"You're distracted today." Minho says as he drives and Jeongin blinks at him before his brain yells at him to respond.

Jeongin had been smiling since the moment he picked him up, his lips quirking up subconsciously and the moment he realizes he's grinning he forces his mouth into a straight line, only to do it again three minutes later. It's odd but Minho doesn't mind it if it means Jeongin is in a great mood. It's suspicious considering that Jeongin had a raincloud looming over him yesterday but Minho won't complain now that the singer is all sunshines and giggles.

"Oh, uhm, yeah?" he knows it makes no sense but Minho doesn't press any further. He does snort at him but Jeongin doesn't retort with anything significant. There's nothing in Jeongin's mind right now that can make him forget Chan's hands on his waist and back and lips on his own or along his jaw.

Minho leaves Jeongin in Seungmin's care not long after they reach the building. They stay in a vocal room with Seungmin playing the piano and Jeongin warming up his voice for the day. To an outsider, Jeongin appears his usual self, but to someone who spends time with Jeongin both at work and outside of it, Seungmin sees the way Jeongin's smile is slightly bigger and his eyes are slightly shinier.

"You look rather happy today." Seungmin notes after Jeongin is done with his vocal exercises and Jeongin has to purse his lips to stop the giggle that wanted to come out.

Oh, god, what did Chan do to him?

He shrugs. "I had a good sleep, I guess."

In actuality, he didn't get to bed until 1am, and he had no idea what time his body finally gave up on him and let him sleep. It's possible that his heart had beat so fast that it malfunctioned and that's how he fell asleep but he won't dwell on that too much.

"It seems like it." the vocal couch eyes him. "Any progress on the song?"

He smiles. "Yeah, I think I'm going to do great on it."

Before Seungmin could comment on Jeongin's optimism when just yesterday he was near bawling, there's a knock on the door. The two of them turn their attention to it just as Minho steps inside, Chan in tow. Jeongin instantly perks up when he sees Chan, his heart once again going into a frenzy.

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