ch. 1

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Dream was asleep when the news broke.

He went to bed that night like any other, mundane and routine, expecting the morning to come the same way. Days blurred together most of the time. Not boring, just basically reliving the same day over and over.

Dream groaned when he woke up, not feeling any particular reason to be alive today. It was late, far later than he usually slept in. He lazily picked up his phone, squinting as he tried to comprehend the flood of messages he got while he was out.

Dream raised an eyebrow, curious why he had an absurd amount of messages from George.

He chuckled, sighing fondly to himself. What was this idiot up to now? Though, it wasn't that much more than usual. Dream scrolled up, going past about twenty messages with just the word 'DREAM'. He skimmed, head still a bit foggy from sleep when he saw the words he's been waiting for since last year - 'the travel ban was lifted'

Dream shot up, suddenly wide awake, stumbling to reply when George sent another message.

/Wake upppp/

Dream hurriedly sent a reply.


/:-D you're alive!!!/

Two seconds later..


Dream chuckled.

/Sorry bb. too busy dreaming about you <3/, he sent.

/stfu i hate you. but, i got a voucher, since the last flight was canceled, not really sure how it works though/

/idk. i can't see it dumbass/, Dream replied.

/it's all complicated. there's only certain dates i can fly and it expires :-0/, George responded.

/dudee let me seeeeee/, Dream huffed impatiently.

Dream's computer sprang to life, full brightness illuminating the dark bedroom. He squinted at the light, dragging his body towards the screen. Dream pulled on his headset and accepted the call from George.

George's beaming face filled the monitor, "Took you long enough, and, oh my god, you're a mess!" he giggled. Dream brushed down his bedhead, slightly flustered.

Sometime, in the endless quarantine boredom, George had convinced Dream to show him his face, using some secret leverage against him that we can only guess at.

"You woke me from my beauty rest," Dream muttered.

"Oh, I can assure you, you're gonna need a lot more of that," George teased.

Dream grinned, "Shut up. You think I'm adorable."

George rolled his eyes, "Anyway. Help. I don't want to deal with my voucher stuff. It seems like a Dream problem."

Dream scanned the document George shared with him. There were a lot of conditions in order for George to be able to fly down here. And, a lot of deadlines. But, if they didn't do it now, George would lose the voucher entirely. And, who knows if the ban will be reinstated, people could not be depended on to get their shit together in this pandemic, especially where Dream was.

He spent a little while reading over everything, wanting to be entirely sure that everything lined up. Dream was nothing but thorough, not wanting to run into any issues. George waited, scrolling on his phone and distracting Dream every once in a while to show him a video he found.

"Okay," Dream said finally, leaning back in his chair, "It looks like you can do the flight in two weeks or," he paused, scanning over the page, "the one tomorrow."

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