Chapter 23: Who's Telling The Truth?

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Kalliope's POV:

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Kalliope's POV:

"Come on Kalli, don't you want to hear what our parents are discussing?" Dana asks when we'd gone up and our parents had gone to talk about something that they didn't want Dana and me to hear. "Come on," She pleads, her eyes wide. "Come on Kalli, it would be so fun. And don't you want to know more about what they're keeping from us?" Dana's sat up on my bed, fully dressed, with an imploring expression that was making it difficult not to say yes to her. Add to that Lana's also interested I can't deny she's appealed to my curiosity. But I won't do as she says because I don't need to. Something Dana knows as well as I do.

I look up from where I'd been studying for our latest vampire anatomy test and frown at her, "You know I won't do that. My mom and dad don't keep secrets. Something I'm sure uncle Ash and aunt Leila don't do with you either given how stubborn you are when you want something." My cousin's eyes are alight with something dangerous, the colours seeming to shine with her necklace and ring she's twisting around her finger like a charm.

"But then why not say anything?" She responds, not sure what she's asking so I just return to the studying I'd been trying to do for not only our vampire anatomy test but also the one on the realms for our angel studies. "Seriously though Kalli, if they had something to say but don't keep secrets then why when we asked them about the moonstone shit did they clam up and ignore the question!" Dana asks, pacing around my quarters like a caged tiger. "KALLI!" Dana throws a pillow at me where I was sitting studying on my bed and see her sit on the edge of the desk.

"What Dana?" I sigh, putting down my pen and looking at her with a confused and irate expression. "What Dana? Seriously I'm trying to study here so either say your piece or leave me be. I can't deal with your conspiracy theory shit right now." Lana's on overdrive and I can tell she's anxious about something or someone but just not who. Dana frowns at me and sits properly on the desk so it groans once before she hops off it and leans on the side. "Sorry Dana, Lana's being weird."

"Probably since our parents are keeping some serious shit from us," Dana comments before looking at her phone and sitting on the edge of the bed. Leaning back I gather up my notes before she can lie on them, her sable black hair blending in with my duvet. "Seriously though," She turns onto her side where she's scrolling mindlessly through her phone to fix me with a confused look. "Aren't you a little curious as to what it is they're so desperate for us not to find?"

I shrug, "Beats me but do we want to go down this route? Calling our parents liars?" I frown at her over the binder containing my notes and she frowns back, her eyes on her phone where she's completely engrossed in texting someone to the point that I don't even think she heard me. "Forget it, you're not even listening are you?" I comment and hear Dana give a noncommittal grunt before I burst out laughing.

"What?" She doesn't look up from her phone but I can tell she's interested in whatever I have to say given how she frowns intensely before going back to studiously looking at her phone with a deep frown on her face. Her eyes are on the screen. "What is it, Kalli? Did you say something?" She drops the phone then, it clicks once as the screen goes dark. "I'm serious!"

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