out came the sun

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"And like, he seemed almost afraid?"

Haydens brows furrowed in confusion.
"Of what? Divine judgement?", he asked.

The hero snorted and took a sip of his hot chocolate. It was getting colder out, though snow had yet to show itself.

"Not really, I think he was afraid of the guys that got him out? He told me that they were somehow able to influence the guards. Couldn't see his face, but he seemed really spooked.", Spider-Man recalled, looking over to the brunette.

Said man smirked, his chuckling muffled as he had his face halfway buried in his own mug.
"What like, you were beating his ass to a pulp and he goes: 'Hey Spidey, let me just info-dump on you real quick!'"

Now the vigilante was full out laughing, trying his best to not fall of the railing.

Hayden, however, thought the hero was about to actually fall and lurched forwards, grabbing the mans wrist.

This only made Spider-Man laugh harder.

Due to the fact that his laugh was very infectious, the brunette found himself chuckling along, hand still wrapped around the other mans wrist.

Neither of them seemed to mind.

Hayden sure as hell didnt.


Peters heart was pounding.

He'd found himself going to Haydens' almost every day for the past week and now here he was, sitting on his balcony and drinking hot chocolate, his hand wrapped around his wrist.

Without thinking, he turned his wrist, capturing Haydens hand and giving it a light squeeze.

Brown eyes widened slightly in shock.

Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck.

He'd fucked it up.
Peter was a millisecond from withdrawing and apologizing when Hayden smiled at him, squeezing his hand aswell and looking off into the distance.

The hero let out the breath he was holding, inaudible, but still visibly deflating.

Maybe it wasn't all over.


They had talked for a few more minutes but as it was, time was rare these days.

Especially for a vigilante sworn to protect the city, said now overrun with crime and madmen.

"Hey, don't do anything stupid, alright?", the brunette asked as the hero readied himself to leave.

Spider-Man smiled, pulling down his mask.
"Can't promise anything when we've got a bunch of lunatics running around and some guy who's breaking them out of jail.", he tried to soothe, earning a defeated sigh.

"I know. Just don't go in head first."

The vigilante nodded, saluting with two fingers and leaping off of the balcony shortly after.

When he was sure Spider-Man was out of sight, Hayden buried his face in his hands, only now realizing that his cheeks were burning up.

Yup, he had it bad.

It took him a few seconds to calm his racing heart.

They had held hands.

The brunette grinned giddily, feeling like he was 16 all over again.

In a split second decision he got a hold of his phone, pulling up Farhas' contact.

After a few seconds of ringing, she answered.

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