My feelings

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'Sob sniff sob'a quite crying could be heard from Athanasia's room.A day passed since Claude lost his memories she wouldn't let anyone in not even Lucas or Lily she just cried.

She was sitting on her bed crying knees brought to her face eyes red and puffy she been crying since morning and hasn't eaten anything.

'How could i be so stupid'she thought to herself

'It was bound to happen i was never supposed to be loved.Just when i thought everything was going smootly why now'she got up from her bed and went in the bathroom she washed her face and stood in front of the mirror.

'I never noticed but i look like daddy a little'she thought as she twirled around then she stopped tears forming at the end of her eyes.

"I am you're own flesh and blood not her doesn't he care about my feelings"maybe that was selfish of her to think but she went though much worse being killed to being loved by everyone and now forgotten by her own father can you immagion how that feels.

'No now its not the time to be sad'she lightly slapped her cheeks

"I am Athanasia De Alger Obelia and i will not fall that easily i will save my father"she clenched her fist and wippes her tears she was determend to win this fight after all she is the future empress.

"Lily"she called

The door imediatly bursted open Lily came in crying.

"Yes princess"she said and went to hug Athanasia she hugged her so tightly that Athansia thought that she'll stop breathing.And a few more maids came in hugging her also Hannah and Ces.At the door stood Lucas smiling.Athanasia closed her eyes and hugged Lily even tighter

'I'm not alone i never was'she thought.

After a few minutes they let go.Lily cupped Athanasia face and said.

"My princess we were so worried you wouldn't let any of us in not even sir.Lucas please don't do that again"

"Yeah you scared us to death"all the other maids said

"I won't do that anymore"

"Promise"all off them said

"I promise"her smile was back the bright and most beautiful smile


"Daddy"a stupid dog *cough cought pardon me something is wrong with my phone*a lady with brown hair said as she hugged the one and only Claude

"Yes Jennette"Claude said

"I missed you did you miss me"she said smiling.Yesterday left Jennette at shock she was suddenly called to see Claude and unexpectedly he called her his daughter and she was happy now she can ruin Athanasia life and she loves it(you bi**h).

"...."she was expecting an answer but nothing she just sat down and started drinking her tea.

"Puh daddy what is this"she asked

"What do you mean its the tea we always drink"

Felix who was standing behind heard that and he knows that Claude always drinks Lippe tea with Athanasia and that Jennette and Claude are drinking it right now.

"Excuse me you're majesty but this is the tea you always drink with princess Athansia"

"Thah wench i never drinked tea with her"

"Daddy i want Jasmine tea"

"Bring her Jasmine tea and do not speak of that wench in my presence"

"Yes you're majesty"Felix went and told the maids to bring the tea then went back to his place.

'His majesty does seem to remember their moments together but its like his memories were replaced with her instead'

'I hope we can find a way to cure him'


We see our beautiful princess again sitting at her table writing something.

'If i want to be the empress i need power'

'I can use a sword i finnaly mastered my mana i just need to make allience with people'

'If i can take a few dukes to me side duke.Parvis maybe duke.Irain and few more Arien and Arjen will probably support me and since i'm smarter then Jennette i could be the empress the only problem is Claude he has the part in deciting who becomes the next ruler.'

"Basiacly he judges us and our abilities"

"What are you talking to youself now"a familiar voice

"Oh Lucas come in "

"I see you're already better i knew you would be my presrnce cures any kind of depression"

'Is that his way of comforting me'

"Thank you"

"For what"

"For being here with me even thought you don't have too"

"Well i'm here and i'll always be so you just have to deal with it"

"Hahahaha"she laughed

"Yes yes i know now i need you to do something"

"What is it"

"Sit and i'll tell you"

And now the princess and her trusted "friend" the warlock are thinking of how to get Claudes memories back and how for Athanasia to win the throne

She came back to change her fateWhere stories live. Discover now