The YoRHa Android

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Silence filled the air within the abandoned town as the rain began to pour down, the sound of thunder echoing across the land. Every wild animal that was around had fled in search of shelter from the storm, leaving the streets empty of any life. Many had taken shelter within the ruined buildings. Within one of the bathrooms at the town's local Inn was an android, whose body was lying limp on the ground. The android had a simple body with a gray casing covering it, white glowing eyes, and a speaker-like mouthpiece.

That android was Alex Miller

For what felt like an eternity, after learning about his new body, all Alex could do was weep and repeat to himself that he was human with the little energy he had left in him. But over time, that energy eventually wilted away. Now the only thing Alex could do was just lay there, in silence. Leaving him only with his thoughts. And it had been that way for hours.

'Why? Why was he like this? How could this have happened to him? He was just human not long ago. Was it the brain scan? No, no, that can't be right! How could a simple brain scan cause him to end up like this? Hell, how did it cause him to end up here?! It doesn't make sense! None of it makes any sense!'

These were the thoughts the android had as he lay there. But he didn't expect to receive those answers any time soon. Not with the state he was currently in. The android then lets out a soft, weak sigh. 'Is there even anyone out there? Beyond this town?' He thought to himself. 'And if there was, would they still help me? Even with the body that I have now? Would... would they even believe me? That I'm human? Or would they just think of me as some malfunctioning robot?' Sorrow filled his body at the thought. 'I just... I just don't know what do to anymore.' Alex then slowly clenched his hands into fists. 'Dammit... why... why does it have to be me of all people?' He thought.

Then, amongst the sound of rain pounding against the glass and thunder clashing in the sky, a new sound filled the Inn, barely loud enough for the android to take notice of. At first, he wasn't sure what the sound was. But it soon became louder as it made its way up the stairs. It was the sound of something heavy. Something big. Something... mechanical. Fear began to fill Alex's body when he realized what was making that noise. 'Shit, they're here!' Not knowing where else to hide, and using the little energy he had regained over the hours he had laid on the ground, Alex quickly and quietly made his way under the bed, praying that it would not find him.

Sure enough, the source of the sound eventually arrived at the door. It was a Medium Biped Machine, its body wet from being outside in the rain. The machine made its way into the room, looking around to see if there was anything noteworthy in it. The machine then made its way to the bathroom when it took notice of the pile of shattered glass on the ground. It knelt beside the pile and picked up one of the shards, inspecting it out of curiosity. Soon, the machine puts the shard down before it stood back up. It then looked at the bed. The machine approached the bed and as it did, the fear in Alex began to grow. Knowing that there was a chance of getting caught, Alex mentally prepared himself to make a break for it. He didn't know how far he would go, but he wasn't taking any chances. The machine then stopped by the edge of the bed. And it then began to kneel.

"Big brother! Big brother!"

The machine stopped when it heard the voice call out to it and looks at the doorway to hear something approaching it. A small, stubby machine then appeared at the doorway.

"Big brother! I found the parts that we can use to fix our other big brother!" The stubby machine said to the Medium Biped in excitement. "Can you help me carry it to him?" It asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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