Character Sketch

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Our Hero : Ashwin Kumar

He is an aspiring actor he is been into the tv industry for the last 7 years he has faced lots of ups and downs but still he is trying to stamp his name in the cine industry. Waiting for the magic to happen in his life. He is an example of being introvert max. He keeps a distance from everyone because the past 7 years have thought him so much that now he can't trust someone around him because he is been used by the people around him. He also doesn't get along with someone because he is scared of losing them. He can bare anything but the loss of the people he loves is what he can't handle.

Let's see what does the future withhold for Ashwin🤗

Our Heroine : Sivaangi Krishnamurthy

She is one of the cutest and bubbly girl you will meet she is one of the rare found. She is an aspiring singer she has been a part of singing show but she was not able to reach the finals. She has gone through so much in her life she has been bullied for her voice and she was been called fake. It's hurts her deep down but the best part about her is that she loves her more. All she says is I love myself, my parents love me and my brother's love me more than anything so I don't give a damm about what other think of me.

Sivu's brothers :

Sivu has a own brother named Vinay and she has two other brothers whom she got because of the singing show which she did Pugzhal and Rakshan whom she treats as her own brothers . They love her the same way.

Ashwin Friends :

Ashwin has very limited number of friends and whom he can rely on. They are Sanjeev his childhood friend, Rakshan a co-star in the television industry and Sandy master who had seen Ashwin for the past 5 years. Sandy master tries his best to support ashwin and gunuiely whishes the best for him. He is a friend and a big bro to ashwin. These are the very few people in Ashwin's life apart from his family.

Saayu's spoiler alert :

Hello Lovelies 🤗

Ok let me tell you something our Sivu has a long time crush on someone. She always dreams about meeting him. So lets see how things fall in place when the meet and what is in store for these two.

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Will try to update on daily basis 😍

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