First Glimpse of Magic

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Shivaangi's Mv:
I woke up with a jerk and I was hell shocked would be an understatement. In that 1 minute I have undergone all those various emotions in my life. I was not able to beleive I am having a direct eye contact with his  eyes.

I got lost in those deep brown eyes and I felt very different.

Those eyes hold some magic in them. It drags me towards him always.

Yes, I am sitting next to my all time Fav Hero my one and only Ashwin Kumar. Am I dreaming, this can't be possible.
(End of Mv)

I just ask him to pinch me so that I can beleive it's not a dream but it's happening for real.

He gives me a what the hell look but still he manages to pinch me.

That's when I come out my dreamland and I finally realise I am actually sitting next to him. I have actually slept on his shoulder .

   Ha ah ah. I was stammering  with this sudden shock turned into suprise. I compose my self and I extend my hand for handshake and saying Hai sir I am ur biggest fan.

After an hand shake he gives me a questioning look.

Ashwin sir I am Sivaangi and I am one of your biggest fan. I Loved your work in KOK and I have been following you since last few years.

He just nods his head and mumbles a thank you.

Just then we hear the announcement that we are gonna land in Chennai.

Finally we have landed in Chennai.

Shakti joins me while de- boarding  the flight.

I just follow ashwin and while de boarding the flight.

Once we de board the flight I ask ashwin for a selfie he agrees for it

Once we have taken the selfie he tries to say something but before he could say anything Shakti interrupts and says hi bro I am shakti shivaangi's bestiee you don't have to  worry bro we wouldn't post it on social media.

Ashwin mumbled a thank you and left biding bye to both of us.

Shakti and Shivaangi convo:

Sivu : Yen da social media la post panna matom nu sonna.

( Y did you say we wouldn't post it on social media)

Shakti : Thalaivi you know he is upcoming actor and u r an upcoming singer. He was just trying to say not to post it on social media. So I made it easier for him by saying that we won't post.

Shivaangi : Ipo post panna dha ena va.

(what if we post it)

Shakti: Thalaivi please try to understand you both are from media and just one selfie of you both can be a reason for lot of gossips and one more thing not only you I am also his huge fan so I too can understand y he was hesitant about posting it social media.

Thalaivi you should be happy now instead of arguing with me that u have got a selfie with your idol.

Shivaangi : Ama la. I am very happy come lets go it's already time we have to reach the production house.

Ashwin's Pov :

I boarded the flight in Coimbatore and to my surprise I saw sivaangi sitting next to me but she was fast asleep. I so badly wanted to tell her that she is the reason that I have been sane all these years inspite of all those failures. Her voice and her songs kept me alive. When I was in my thoughts I felt some weight shift on me. I saw sivaangi sleeping on my shoulder. I was spellbound with that smile of hers. I dint want to disturb her sleep but there was a silent war going on in my mind and heart that should I wake her up or not.

When I was stopping myself from waking her up she got up with a jerk and she was shocked to see me and she recognised me. I was happy beyond words I never expected her to recognise me.

Then she asked me pinch her and I was like is it a dream or for real. But I could identify with her actions it was the same for her.

When she realised it's not a dream she was more than suprised to see me. I felt immense happiness that she being a singer herself is able to identify me. This was the thing which I was longing for someone to indentify me for my work and indentify me as an actor.

She extended her hand for a handshake and the words she said are still ringing in my ears and I am not able to beleive what I heard. She said she is my huge fan. I am more than happy but at the same time I wanted to shout and tell her and the whole world that I am her huge fan I have watched her singing show just for her.  Her voice and her songs are the reason for my survival.  Perks of being an introvert. I was just able to nod and mumble a thank you.

And it was finally time to leave from there I was thinking of asking for a selfie which had been a long time wish for me as a fan boy of Sivaangi but being a introvert it was not that easy for me.

But she asked for it and I was not able to deny it as it too wanted it badly. We took the selfie and I was about to ask them not to post  it. The guy who said he was shakti interrupted me and said they will not post the pic on social media. I was happy that he made it easy for me but I was not able to ask them I wanted that pic badly and I  dint find any reason to ask for it. I mumbled  a thanks and left from there.

It's been a hour since I have reached my room but still the encounter with Sivaangi is all over my head. I can't get out of it and I am regretting the fact that inspite of taking a pic with her I dint have it with me.

I wanted her not to post it on social media. I know the consequences if she post it on social media we have to face but still I was expecting  her to post it on social media so that I can save the pic.

Sometimes I feel why can't I be like Sivaangi full of life and how she easily speaks what's on her mind. But it's sad that I am an introvert and mingling with someone having a conversation with them is the most difficult thing for me.

While I was thinking all these I received a message request Shivaangi wants to send you a message.

I accepted it and it was the pic which we took at the airport with a message thank you for making my day  #Fangirlmoment and I was beyond happy. With a smile on my face I left to the production house for the meeting I had with them.

Sivaangi :

I was confused what to do as he didn't want me to post  it but I want to let him know that I am the happiest. As being a singer I was not able to follow him on Insta but I was aware of all his activities on social media. Perks on being a fangirl and disadvantages of being in the media field same as his. So I decided to DM him with the pic on Insta and letting him know it was the happiest moment for me and he made my day with the #Fangirlmoment but never expected him to see my message. But to my surprise he had seen it but he dint reply anything. But that was ok with me as he had seen the pic and my text and that's what matters.

Hey Lovelies 🤗

A very long chapter. Hope most of you would have guessed the Via Destination was Coimbatore and the person sitting next to Sivaangi was Ashwin.

Hope you all like this chapter 💜
Kindly ignore my mistakes of any.

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With Love

It's Magic 💜 By SaayuWhere stories live. Discover now