chapter 20

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A/n: alright time to fight the Evangelist! Also if I missed anything before this I'll mark it up to y/n sleeping.



Y/n was playing outside with a mysterious girl until his mother came out to get him

M/n: y/n it's time for dinner! Say goodnight to your new friend!

Y/n: aw man, well it was nice playing with you!

???: see you tomorrow!

Y/n ran inside and saw his mom hold a knife against a monster

???: you remember this don't you...

Y/n looked behind and he saw a giant moon smiling down at him

Y/n looked behind and he saw a giant moon smiling down at him

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Y/n: I know you?

The moon only laughed as Luny appeared out of the shadows piercing his chest and he woke up

**** awake ****

Y/n eyes and everyone was looking at him

Iris: you're awake for a second I thought captain Takehisa was gonna shot you.

Takehisa: >:( I'm still considering it!

Y/n: oh... we here?

Obi: yes we made it to the nether.

Everyone exited the Matchbox and looked in fear of the Nether

Shinra: I can't believe trains used to run under the ground.

The walked up cautiously up to the-

Y/n: * knocking loudly on the door * Hello? White clothes people your home?

Except y/n was trying to get this ordeal over with so he could go back to sleep

Takehisa: >:( I'm gonna shot him!

Obi was able to talk him out of it

Tamaki: why would you do that!?

Y/n: well I wanted to make sure people were here, I'm getting lost in tunnels only for them to be abandoned.

He did have a point  to an extent so with a prayer from Iris that I refuse to write the door magically opened

Obi: sister, please step back.

Arthur: it opened on its own... it's a magic door!

Shinra: that's impossible.

Takehisa: are we being invited in?

Y/n: no, Vulcan found a button that opened the doors.

Vulcan: looks like the electricity is running.

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