chapter 3

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A/n- yeah tge rookie games one of my favorite parts of the anime,  I'm happy to be writing this also I was able to make your original flames fit

A/n- yeah tge rookie games one of my favorite parts of the anime,  I'm happy to be writing this also I was able to make your original flames fit

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This is what they were originally supposed to look but it was to big



Shinra- yeah! The rookie games are here-

Tomaki- takaki kotatsu here to kick some butt!

Y/N- will you guys shut up your to loud

Tomaki- what you say?!

She walks towards you and somehow some way she trips on nothing and falls on you

Tomaki- nye that hurt

Y/N- miss, would you kindly get off me!

She released that you were under her and gets off before trying to attack you with cat paws

Tomaki- curse this lucky lure

Y/N- please stop

You walk away have a look at the competition sing stands watching people walk around with very different suits but the You see Shinra do very questionable things to that girl from early

You walk away have a look at the competition sing stands watching people walk around with very different suits but the You see Shinra do very questionable things to that girl from early

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Y/N- wow you to are so bold, doing such lewd things in a public event

Shinra- your not helping!

At that you had your fun a walked away  but before you git far your future sight activated showing the building being blown up

Y/N- ( that's never good but when does that happen)

Intercom- the competition is about to begin all contenders please put on your gear and head to the designated area

Y/N- looks like I'm about find out



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