Chapter 34: Ever Seen a Kitty Before?

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21 September, 1957

"John knows we're comin', doesn't he Fi?" Lynn quipped as she and Daddy followed Fiona up Vale Rd. The girl gave a sarcastic grin to the rear, and Lynn nodded respectfully. Daddy had been fidgeting with his fingers the whole way there, which had led him to stumble a few more times than was subtle.

It was clear Robert Twickenham had reservations about meeting the boy that his daughter had fallen for without even having seen him. He was known for his nervous tics, always needing someone to remind him to relax. For a while, he'd had that comfort in his beloved Eleanor. But after his cruel twist of fate, he'd found it anew in his lovely Lynn. He was hoping she'd take most of the leads in conversation once they arrived, as chatter had never been one of his strong suits. He didn't know a thing about this John, but prayed the boy would at least be civil with him, not sabotage him for his shyness. He was Fiona's father, for Pete's sake. He could handle this. He was totally in control. And... he tripped again.

Fiona knew better than to scold her father for being jittery; she knew it would only exacerbate him more. He preferred it when his nerves weren't acknowledged, something she'd come to learn over the years. She herself felt a twinge of anticipation in her gut, but knew it would dissipate after they'd all been introduced and organized, and she could sit with John again. It gave her an unexpected sense of pride to know that she was the main connection, the point in the middle of the star, for all these people. She and John were bringing the Twickenhams and the Lennons together, if even for this afternoon tea. And if the tea went well, would there be others? Would Lynn and Daddy get to know John's aunt well enough to be friends? Would they eventuallywant to know more about John's past?

She'd explained to Lynn and Daddy a few evenings before the unique living situation John maintained, making sure they didn't accidentally address Aunt Mimi as 'Mrs. Lennon' or ask whether they'd be able to meet John's father. John had specifically requested that she tell them the whole truth, and so she hadn't held anything back. John lived with his aunt, his uncle had died a few years back. They'd stomached the first part well. Lynn had nodded sympathetically, bracing herself to hear what she filled in the blank on John's parents. But her eyebrows rose at the mention that John's parents were both still indeed alive. His father was never suited to have a family and was away in goodness-knows-where in the military; his mother lived close by and was trying her best to get close with him again, visiting Mendips and all that. Daddy had raised an eyebrow at this part of the discussion, his mind instantly assessing his own relationship with his child. Fiona sensed his unease almost immediately, a caring hand on his knee being all the reassurance he'd needed. Fiona had mentioned Julia and Jackie, John's two half-sisters which he adored and also tortured, and finally of his near-stepfather, with whom he was icy.

Overall, Lynn and Daddy had taken all of this quite well, not even flinching with all of the complicated news. It gave them the appearance of two eager students soaking up information like a sponge. They'd looked poised and ready for a paper exam right then and there, typical of two professors. But this was a practical sort of test they had coming, and Fiona could only hope they'd pass when finally in the presence of John's family.

The boy himself opened the front door for them some minutes later, flashing a quick smile and a "hi, Fin," at Fiona before looking up with timid apprehension at her company. He almost seemed guilty. Fiona's gut twisted at the thought of it: had John ever had to meet a girl's parents before? Daddy shook hands (which worked, as they were already twitching anyway), and Lynn gave John a little hug.

They hadn't been inside long before they heard the floor creak under someone's weight, an exasperated "Julia" coming from the kitchen, and then John's mother bounded out from the kitchen doorway.

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