Chapter 1

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Angst and Hurt/Comfort

Kevin POV

I was only around 9:30 o'clock when I was sitting ontop of mine and Connor's bed reading verses from the book of Arnold.

And so God said "Let's there be g-

I heard the door quietly open and my heart dropped when I looked up. Connor was leaned against the doorframe. His lip was bleeding, he had a bruise forming on his eyelid, and had dirt over his uniform and face and he was clutching onto his shoulder.

"Oh my god" I said running over to him. "Connor?" I said reaching out my hand, but not touching him not knowing if he would want to be touched right now. 

He lurched forward and fell into my arms. I pulled him closer to me, and it was only then I noticed he was quietly crying.

"Connor? What happened?" But he just held onto my shirt tighter and shook his head.

I picked him up and walked over to our bed resting him up against my chest. I tried to soothe him, but I noticed he stopped crying, that's when I noticed he passed out.

"Connor?" I said feeling panic rise to my chest. "Come on Connor, wake up please." My voice cracked.

That's when I looked over and saw his shoulder. It was profusely bleeding. "Oh my god." I whispered inaudibly.

I picked him up to take him to Gotswana's clinic. Some of the Elders were still up. When I rushed out into the main room, Chris and James were still sitting on the couch with Chris's head rested on James shoulder. "W-what happened to him?" Chris cried, running over to us, shortly followed by James.

"I don't know." I whispered feeling myself getting choked up. "Im-im going to take him to Gotswana's. He would want you with him Chris. You can come to James."

"All three of us ran out of the door to Gotswana's house and James knocked on the door, which was shortly meet with the face of Gotswana. He looked down at Connor, and waved us in to a nearby cot, where I laid him down.

I sat at the chair next to the cot and held onto his hand, gently rubbing my thumb over his trying to keep the tears at bay. Chris was hugging James tightly and crying into his shoulder.

Gotswana sighed. "I'm going to need you all to leave. I'll get you when I'm done."

Reluctantly, we all walked out of the door, I looked behind me before shutting the door. We all three sat down at the porch, Chris leaning into James side, Chris quietly crying, and I was silently crying, trying not to make too much noise not wanting to interrupt them. Unable to control myself, sobs started to take over  my body. I suddenly felt a warm presence around my body. Looking left to me, I was met with the face of Poptarts. His face was also streaked with tears, but he was a little more collected than I. James walked over wrapping both of us into a hug. "He'll be alright. We know Connor, he can get through this." He whispered quietly. Letting myself sitting there for a few seconds I pull away. "Thank you guys." I said wiping my eyes. Gotswana then walked out.

"Well good news is, he should be alright." He said.

"Should?" I asked.

"I'm doing everything I can, but nothing's certain."

He was shot in the shoulder, and his other injuries look like they were done by someone. They should not cause any problems though."

I swallowed. Why would anyone hurt Connor like this? Connor is the sweetest person I have ever met I could never understand why anyone would purposely hurt him.

"Can we come back in?" Chris asked.

Gotswana nodded. "Come in."

He still appeared to be unconscious. I sat down on the bed resting him against my chest and held his hand tightly. I looked over at the chair next to me and Chris sat at him looking at Connor wiping his eyes.

I sat like that for probably around an hour, before feeling my eyelids get heavy and drifted off to sleep.

I was awoken by someone shaking my shoulder.

"Sorry to wake you." James whispered holding Chris up against his chest so he wouldn't fall. "Chris is really tired so we're gonna head out. Your welcome to come with."

I shook my head "No I'm staying here. See you guys tomorrow." I waved them good bye, and looked over at Connor. He was breathing shallowly and his chest and arm was wrapped in some kind of gauze, there was a bloody patch where the bullet had been. I squeezed his hand, feeling his hand twitch a little.

"Connor?" I asked my heart racing. "Come on Con, please wake up."

His face scrunched up, before his eyes slowly opened and looked up at me.

"Kevin?" He said his voice scratchy.

"Yes it's me." I whispered holding his hand tighter.

He tried to sit up, but imediatly fell back against my chest.

"Take it easy Connor. You need rest." I said running my hands through his hair. 

He sighed and rested his head on my shoulder, putting his arms around my waist.

"Can you tell me what happened Con?" I asked not wanting to pressure him, but needing to know.

He took a deep breath.  "You know that little girl Avana? Well, they general came into town when I was with Naba. Mafala took Nabalungi away to hide her from him so she wouldn't be hurt. The general then tried to take Avana and..." He said a tear falling down his freckled face. "I tried to stop him and...he tried to shoot me. He-he missed but it hit my shoulder. I, I fell but he didn't stop and he..." He stopped and started crying. I pulled him closer to me and kissed his forehead rubbing his back. "It's ok Con. Your safe now, he can't hurt you anymore." He hid his face in the crook of my neck and continued crying after a few minutes his breathing was even, and I assumed that he was asleep. I kissed his forehead and let myself fall asleep with him.

I would like suggestions because I have no ideas, so if you have any, just request. I will  do most things that aren't smut.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2021 ⏰

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