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Rick Walsh pulled Elliot's car up at the front of his house. He had his mouth swollen with vomit and had to get it out. He opened the door as fast as he could and fell down to the grass just at the gutter.
He let all the throw up out.
It mutated with the grass, yellowy-brown and green substance mixed with the last food he had earlier that day – scrambled eggs. The taste of throw up lingered in his mouth, and it tasted horrible. He began to feel a headache. His head throbbed, painfully. He rubbed his temples. His closed his eyes and coughed. He stayed there for a while and took gasping breaths in and out. He got up and sat back in Elliot's car. He slammed the door. It was dark. He then started to silently sob.
He thought of Elliot, and all the great things
(Nothing like a good cig after dinner, rick)
They did
(Yeah, rick, I agree)
They were as thick as thieves.
Great friends.
Now he was dead.
Elliot was now – and very much – dead.
He sat in the car for about an hour, thinking about the house.
What was in there?
How did that creature come out of Elliot's back?
How did it get there?
What was it?
Rick did not have any clue.
Not even the fondest idea of what.

Mikaela was sitting on the couch, white as hell, staring at the wall.
Abigail had thoughts of testing the board.
Arron was with her.
They still had no idea what it was, and Mikaela did. They needed information.

Arron and Abigail approached her, her face sickly white and pale. They stood In front of her. She didn't notice them until they said her name.
They did.
She looked up at them.
The colour came back to her face.
She didn't stop looking doped.
She stared at them.
They looked like humongous giants to her. She felt light headed. 'Mikaela?' Abigail said. 'We need to talk,' Mikaela looked over at the board.
'Okay' she said. 'What about?' she asked. Abigail looked back at the board.
'That thing' she said to Mikaela.
Mikaela looked flushed. She didn't want to talk about it, and she didn't want to explain it at all.
'We need to know how to use it.'
'If you use it,' Mikaela said, as a tear dropped down her cheek. 'You're signing your fucking death wish.'
Mikaela looked at the Ouija board.
Abigail and Arron could tell that she was scared.
'You remember when I found out my sister died' she asked.
'Yeah.' 'Yup.'
'Well she died because of one of these, and no one believed me when I said it.'
She didn't like talking about her sister. Abigail and Arron could tell by looking at her face. She then told them that the board was evil. 'If you want to use it, fine,' she said. 'But don't come to me when shit goes tits up.'
Abigail and Arron still didn't know what to do with it.
They asked her how to use it.
'Google it' she said, scared and mad mixed.
They googled it, and they learned that they needed more than one person to actually do the board.
They learned that they had to ask for a spirit.
Ask polite questions, and yes or no questions.
'Should we go through with this?' Abigail asked.
'If you want,' Arron said. 'It's your call, abbey.'
Abigail thought for a second. Then it turned into a minute, then two. Then three. She then came up with one final decision.
She said.
'Okay' Arron said.
'Let's do it.'

Sarah was sitting on the couch while STRANGER THINGS played on the TV.
Abigail and Arron walked into the room.
Mikaela was sitting on the couch, butterflies in her stomach.
'Were going to try it' Abigail said. Arron nodded. Mikaela looked up and saw them looking at her. Her face was white again.
'You don't have to do this' Abigail said.
'Good,' she said. 'I don't have to fucking die.'
Mikaela stayed put on the couch, eyes pegged on the TV.

They set up the Ouija board on the glass coffee table in front of the TV and in front of the couch, where Mikaela sat.
'Sarah? You coming?'
'That's what she said, and yeah'
'Really bitch?' Abigail said.
They sat around the board in a triangle.
They grabbed the triangle with the hole in the middle – Abigail, Arron and Sarah didn't know what it was called – and put it on the board. They put their index fingers onto it.
'Quick turn off the lights' Abigail said.
Arron got up and turned all the visible lights off. The room was dark and the only light was the TV, which was loud.
'Mikaela could you turn that down?' Abigail asked.
Mikaela grabbed the remote with a loud grunt and turned the volume down so it wasn't hearable from where Abigail was sitting.
They didn't know what they were getting themselves into.
'Who's going first?' Sarah asked.
'I will' Arron said.
'Okay, go, Arron.'
Arron looked at the board, thinking of a question.
He then asked: 'Hello? Is anyone there?'
A low raspy groan went from left to right, sending chills down everyone's backs, even Mikaela's. Mikaela looked left to right.
'Fuck...' she said. 'Fuck this.'
Mikaela looked scared.
'Hello?' Abigail asked.
'Is anyone there?'
*yeeeessss* a raspy voice said.
It scared everyone.
'Oh shit, oh shit' she said. 'Oh shit' she repeated.
'Who are you?' Sarah said.
*death* it said.
What the hell? Abigail thought. The Grimm reaper? Arron thought.
Who? Sarah thought.
They asked the board – spirit – who they were.
They? Maybe they?

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