scavenger hunt.

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At the normal dimension school

Once the strike of a sunny day been shine into the Alabama school, drew walks in disappoint and worry, jake his “best friend” have been missing for 3 days now without any information from his family or himself, he looked around the school if anyone was also worried as him but because the only results that the teachers got is only jake is sick or moved school silently so everyone can calm down, but little do they know its worse than that. Drew looks at his phone jake is also not online on phone and last seen the exact same 3 days. Things can happen really. drew walked to his other homies liam and henry
Surprisingly they are also worried how one of their members just non-existent. Henry got scared and liam is worried, nothing much from this two’s expressions. very unusual isn’t?, drew also realize that his girlfriend also left him with no information why, drew just found zoey with another man and he cant really do anything than just get hopeless and the thing he only got is his 2 friends around him and being the best friends he could ever have from this problems.

Sadie walks into the group and joined the conversation itself. Hailey and sean also joined due of the band competition without jake its entirely ruined, they tried to came up something that less have the sadist in it, but drew interrupt the convo and just check out jake’s house and find out there what actually happened. And theres when.. where it began

Drew’s POV
“you guys its better to check out his house first before jumps in any conclusion. Okay?” I said with annoyed tone “well im sorry douchebag, but its better we jumps into what we think how hes gone okay? Because it could be stuff which is horrifying for itself.” hailey said, this girl I swear-, “I mean he’s kind of right hailey, it could be worse than what conclusion we said” sean said “fine” she said, peace finally.. I got up from the chair and said “well guys, im going to see you guys after school” and left. I walk peacefully, and someone approach me and its daisy, jake’s main crush that he forgot already. She is worried on jake’s condition and also wanted to join the hunt that im having but I advice her to not due she have a lot of responsibilities to do as a head student council

I also noticed she also like jake back and always wanted him to like him back, well how sad that jake likes hailey now but theres still a high chance still liked daisy. I said “me and my friends are going to find him okay?” “okay I understand!!” she said, she walked away and I should be continuing what I do before deepenth this situation.. but the situation seems deep itself if you think about it.. but it rathered to be talked later but now I have more things to deal with.

Hours pass by.. school is done.

Ive waited for those slowpokes for atleast more than 5 minutes now, im already outside the gates in our school I checked my phone, jake doesn’t seem been online in anywhere. Hailey showed up and sean, heh I don’t know those people can be really slow I approached them and waited the rest, the form I am in today is already nice by its own I should gathered more but I don’t want to be the victim because of their death.. I mean if they are dead henry, liam, and Sadie showed up we approached to them and now.. we should be going

We took a walk because we want it adventurous what henry said and liam is shivering of fear while me, hailey, sean, and Sadie took it seriously. We’ve arrived to jake’s house, ugh all of that walking we should’ve took an uber but whatever, the house inside seemed pitch black the light from the afternoon light didn’t open a single shadow in the inside.. liam gulped “h-hey guys maybe it’s a  bad idea to go there hahaaha” he said, I see his fear, the eyes looks fear to me, is liam afraid of darkness? Sounds like a phobia to me but that’s not going to let down “look even its like a shadow covering this room but its going to be okay.” I said with a pat on the shoulder, liam soon looked away with disbelief and fear, but seconds past of comfort he looked at me and nodded. We got up and went to the house

I used a normal flashlight, no light of the flashlight opens the shadow to show. This reminds me of those horror movies, but its not the time for that. we walked silently not a single sound from our footstep made a sound, soon later.. hailey is missing, we heard a scream, seems like hailey itself screamed in fear and helpless body, soon we heard a stab noise, liam got scared and ran to the door, he tried to open it, its locked. Liam is trying to get out but theres no escape. Not at all, im honestly began to be feeling bad for him, he is shaking with fear and an arm reached to sean, I pull sean awa from the arm.. honestly someone is actually messing with us, liam ran to us and cuddled henry, which he just got a random knife out of nowhere

The arm reached to me, I tried to ran and slipped on a heart, im scared blood covered everywhere.. but.. soon.. the lights are on, sean looked at me with a lose arm and foot, liam, henry, and sadie still have the body parts.. we lost hailey, henry pointed out her body on a wall resting with no head, no arms, no legs, hair is everywhere and a bloody message in that wall “I see you” henry cuddled liam closer and got intensely scared and don’t know whats going on, liam is scared. Minutes passed by.. sean is gone, the headphones is the only thing exists, I shocked “where is sean?!!?” I said, sadie have no conclusion on this mysterious being and also a cannibal, the lights flicker and liam pointed on someone on the stairs 8 feet long person, standing with a hair same as zander’s, it couldn’t be zander himself.. I mean why would he ate his step-sister.. and he isn’t that tall..
The boy looked at us with his dolly face.. strings attach with his bloody mouth, he walked slowly to us while we tried to open the door, kicking it, punching it, using the knife. And then.. IT OPENED,

we ran to the outside peaceful night, me, henry, liam and Sadie survived lost 2 poor souls.. ugh.. zander is going to destroy me.., no one took a picture of the shits happened there, but I do. But only one. The looking monster.. in the stairs, I hope people believe this and didn’t believe its photoshopped and all I can prove is a lot. I have losted 1 foot and replaced with a new steel one.. this thing is dangerous and I might have to warn not doing the same thing and we’ll discover further.
I looked at liam, henry and Sadie “so.. any conclusion?” I said with my tired voice, “a nightmare” henry said “FUCKING THING THAT I DON’T KNOW” liam said with a scared tone “monster.” Sadie said. Alright.. so its described as a nightmare, a thing.. a mysterious thing,  and a monster. Ive noticed ive read a book about those in fantasty books and how to handled them. And those things might be called nightmares. I looked back and told them “hey lets go to my house, lets sort things out.” I said, they nodded and we ahead to my house.

“to be continued”
Author: part 3! YAYyayyyayy
This is terrifying wtf

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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