Hunger Rises

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I sat peacefully on my worn out couch, munching on the oven fried bits of my last "boyfriend", Mike. Oh man, did he scream a lot! Big baby. I smiled to myself. Now I just got to wait for the missing reports to roll in and all that mess. I hate all the fuss they make about some people, but as far as I know, Mike was a nobody, so the mess should be a minor one. I should be safe as long as I keep my mouth shut. Whatever. It's just a bunch of meaningless noise. Just a bunch of noise, noise, noise, noise. I sighed and popped another piece of Mike into my mouth. Mess, mess, mess, noise, noise, noise, meaningless, meaningless, meaningless. That's all I ever think about. I know, sounds like some angst fanfiction, right?

I sat in silence as my thoughts stilled for the first time in months. I need to get a job. I need to get a life. I need some friends. I need a lot of things, I want a few things too. I want peace. I want... I sighed as I took another bite... I want closure. The more I think about it, the worse it gets.

I loud scraping sound snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked down to see I had subconsciously scraped my fork against my plate. I stabbed a piece of fried flesh with the utensil and looked at it. There's nothing I hate more than hearing my name, yet it was the last comprehendible thing I heard come out of his mouth. The sides of my mouth twitched as I ate the last scrap of flesh.

Maybe I should check out the place Mike worked at, see if they're hiring. I could probably get myself off the ground and stop living off of donations and inherited money. I could probably start laying for people again, yet again, when's the last time I've played my guitar?

I got off of the couch and put my dishes in the sink. I have a dishwasher so the sink isn't always full, yet at the same time, I only put them in the dishwasher when I do the dishes. I popped my back and stretched a little bit. It was late anyway. I should probably go to bed.

I slugged my way down the hall, then stopped at my door. It was just plain old white, pretty boring, right? I sighed and opened it, then took a running start before leaping onto my bed with a satisfying breath of relief.

"Oh yeah..." I groaned to myself.

I really need to get a life.

I rolled over so I was on my back. I miss being normal. Back when my stomach would accept non-meat foods, let alone human flesh. Back when happiness was easier to find and when I could make my own instead of having to rip away someone else's. I growled and sat up. "WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?!" I screamed at myself.

If only I could answer myself.

I looked at my ceiling. "Why...?" I asked again. "WHY!?" I screamed as I beat my fists into my mattress. "YOU COULD HAVE BEEN HAPPY, YOU COULD HAVE BEEN NORMAL!!!" Tears streamed down my face.















I looked at my now trashed room, heaving for breath. Sweat and tears rolled down my face uncontrollably as I allowed my throat and vocal cords a break.

"Why..." I wheezed out, "why did this have to happen?" I feel onto my knees and soon my elbows as well. "DAMN YOU!!!" I cried, clenching my fists. "Damn you..." I silently sobbed. "Damn... damn you all..." My tears took over as I wept like a new bond child. "How could you have been so blind?" I asked myself another unanswerable question. "What did I do wrong?" Now that question has a bit of an answer to it.

I've done many horrible things. Many, many, many, horrible things. Mike wasn't my first victim. He wasn't even my fifth, no. He was my sixteenth.

I smiled. What am I so upset about? This is who I am. I sat up on my knees. This is what I am. I got back on my feet and spread myself back on my bed with a smile. I love this life.

If that was a lie I spoon fed myself, I would never have any way of knowing.

All I know is that a familiar hunger started brewing in my stomach as I drifted off to sleep.

Word count: 815


This was a story I made a long time ago, so I decided to remake it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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