{1} Newcomer

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"Mom, I still don't understand why the sudden transfer to Cross Academy?"

Ayame Cross was driving her only daughter, Ren, to Cross Academy. Tomorrow would be the seventeen-year old's first day at Cross Academy, a school that was run by her uncle - Kaien Cross. But Ren was not thrilled. Her mother pulled her out of from her previous academy without having a say.

"Ren, I'm sure you'll have an amazing school year. Give it a chance sweetie," Ayame pleaded, as she looked straight ahead at the seemingly endless road. Ren presses her lips together as she glares out the window with her striking purple eyes.

"I don't want to go," she mumbles with a hint of bitterness in her voice.

Ayame sighs and decides to give up on the conversation. She knows Ren and how stubborn she is – a trait inherited from her father. But Ayame hopes that Ren will change her mind as soon as she sees the academy, her fellow classmates, and her uncle, Kaien Cross.

"Oh, wait, I think we're here."

"Oh, what joy." Ren rolls her eyes back and reaches from her seat upfront to the back for her shoulder bag. She snatches it and lets out an exaggerated groan as she stays put. Ayame stares at her daughter with pleading eyes.

"Please, Ren, will you just...try. I know it's hard for you to understand why you're here now, but trust me, you will when it's time. Besides, aren't you glad to see your uncle Kaien? "

"Mom, it's just not fair. Nor does it make sense! Why now?!"

"That's enough, Serena! You are going to attend the academy because I say so and that's it," Ayame screeches as she slams her car door shut, catching Ren of guard. 

Her mother only calls by her full name when she is genuinely upset. Ren quickly gets out of her seat and irritably tosses her bag onto her shoulder, slamming her side of the car door.

"Fine! But I know you're hiding something from me. And I am going to figure it out with or without your help."

"Ren, no. You're just going to have to trust me."

The seventeen-year-old rolls her eyes, letting out a deep breath and nods her head. "Whatever," she mutters under her breath, "Let's just go and get this over with."

Ren and her mother walk up the cobble steps of the academy and are met with metal gates. The gates are slightly open, causing Ayame to gently push them open. They silently enter and within steps are met with students bustling about. Ren glances around and immediately takes notice.

"Thanks for the heads up about the uniforms, Mom," Ren mutters as she annoyingly runs her fingers through her raven black hair.

"Ren, you'll be fine. I didn't tell you about the uniform because I knew you wouldn't like it. But I promise you, you'll be over it by tomorrow. Just think of all the friends you'll make here. And who knows! You'll probably meet a nice boy here!" Ayame grins as she gently nudges her daughter. She then waves at a few male students who were gawking at her daughter, causing Ren to blush in embarrassment. She groans and buries her face within her hands. Ayame giggles in amusement and clasps her hands together. Her eyes beam at her only daughter and with pride, she says, "Ren, you're young and incredibly beautiful. Remember, it's okay to let loose sometimes."

Ren glances at her mother tenderly as she cannot help but feel admiration towards her. Ever since Ren can remember, it has always been her and her mother. Ayame was left to raise a newborn baby the same night her husband mysteriously died. And although Ren has heard her mother cry in the middle of the night a few times, Ayame always maintained a positive and cheerful demeanor. Ren always did question her mother of her father's passing, but Ayame was never able to finish the first sentence as she would break down in tears. Not wanting to cause her mother painful memories, Ren thought it would be best to never bring up the subject of her father. A few things Ren wishes she could ask her mother is what did her father look like? How was he like? And how did they meet? But she knew it'd be pointless – her mother was a tomb.

Ren gives her mother a reassuring look as she gives in. She couldn't stay mad at her mother for too long. It is just impossible as she knew her mother means well. And if her mother thought it is best for her to attend Cross Academy then she had no choice but to wait and see. The two women continue to walk around the campus until they are greeted by a voice behind them.


Ayame and Ren turn to see where the voice came from and see a pretty brunette. She is smiling from ear to ear as she waves at them. Ren discreetly observes the female student and admires how pretty she is. She has big brown eyes, shoulder length brown hair and a petite stature. Ren's face scrunches in confusion as the girl holds a white band on her arm with a logo.

"Hello, my daughter and I are here to see the Headmaster, Kaien Cross. My daughter, Ren, is recently enrolled at the academy."

"Welcome! I'm Yuki!" With an encouraging grin, Yuki motions for the women to follow her lead.

 They follow the petite student into a large entrance of what seems to be the main building of the academy. Ren walks behind her mother as she continues to view the many students and campus. Her brows furrow in thought as Ren cannot help but to wonder about the feeling she has in the pit of her stomach. It was a feeling she has never felt before and she couldn't figure it out.

"Okay, we're here!" Yuki smiles as she and the women stand in front of a tall wooden door. She gently knocks on the door with her tiny fist and patiently waits for a response. 

A soft voice can be heard directing Yuki to enter. She pushes the doors open and inside is a tall, attractive man with blonde-ash hair in a short ponytail with glasses. He is wearing odd clothing but what stands out the most are his over-sized lion feet slippers. This makes Ren giggle. He is the Headmaster? She thought to herself.

The Headmaster looks up from his desk and immediately notices Ayame.


"Big brother."

"Big brother? The Headmaster has a younger sister?"

Yuki's brows scrunch in confusion she observes the reunion between brother and sister. Ren takes notice of Yuki and cannot help but crack a smile. This is all so amusing. She crosses her arms across her chest in satisfaction. Seeing the confusion on Yuki's face was pure innocence to Ren.

"It's been years since we last seen each other, Ayame. How much I've missed you."

"Too many years, brother. Ren was only a newborn when we last saw each other. You probably don't recognize her at all."

Kaien glances over to Ren and his face grows serious. He stretches his arm out and gently places his hand on her face. "Ren...? You're Serena?"

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