Beware of Falling Debris

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poem 3 :) 

I witness Admiration; 

A webpage of aesthetic appears

Faded colors of corroded spears 

Pointed at the crazy mosaic I know, 

indelible writing of my diaristic memo 

Washi tapes, stickers, and pastel photos of me 

Please be wary of falling debris 

I spot Apathy; 

It's a funny thing to see 

As their stone cold eyes bury me,

bearing poison, leaking with glee 

Enchantment of lush lotuses might be the key 

Calamitous love that I could not foresee 

Please be wary of falling debris 

I catch sight of Anxiety; 

Hundred stacks of opulent attires 

lifeless and lethal just like phantom fires 

I cannot attempt to adorn myself with it 

They stare me down as I'm forced to submit 

Wrapping me up, suffocating yet free 

Please be wary of falling debris

I finally meet Acceptance; 

With warm blood flowing from Her dainty hands 

and sampaguitas emerging from the great lands 

My body has burned and turned cold as centuries fade 

I was admired, became apathetic, and was afraid 

But now in Her embrace, under the Sullen Tree 

I don't have to worry about falling debris

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