Camp day 1

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I stayed with kurro for the 3 days just because why not I don't mind staying with em and my dad knows I'm in Tokyo to so he and mom are okay with it I'm packing up to head to camp right now "you exited" kurro says while throwing my tank top at me "eh yes I am but not really for you know who" he turns to look "okay no one cares about shitty kawa"  I hate milk bread literally hate but iwa is alright.

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"Hiiii everyone" I yell running to lev I see iwa milk bread kags orange head and everyone else lev runs up and hugs me "hey bunny" he smiles as he puts me down me and lev walk into the gym his arm on my shoulder maybe I should tell him I'm into him I will mabey "I have to go get my bag haha" lev smiles he forgot his bag by the doors so he lets me go "your boyfriend leave you" milk bread I roll my eyes "your owner leave you?" He rolls his eye "iwa doesn't own me" "woof woof I don't speak dog shitty kawa" I look at him "one wrong move in this camp I'll have your head on a platter and then I'll fuck iwa just for spite" he looks mad "iwa would never" I see iwa coming "wanna make a bet milk bread" iwa comes up "hey em" I look up to him and move a piece of curly hair out of my faces  "iwa wanna have some fun before practice" I grab him by his collar and his eyes locked on mine and a smile comes to him and his eyes dart to milky and with that his hand swoops behind my back as he guides me away "nice show Emilia" I smile "fake it till we make it" we go behind the bleachers and boom out of sight from most "so what should we do now doll" I pull him I've only ever had a slight crush on him and that crush never lasted I don't mind kissing him and smearing my tainted lip balm on his face I let out a soft mown just slightly he grabs at my waist because of the noise and he grins as his lips meet mine we come out around 2 minutes later milk bread stands waiting and as soon as he lays eyes on iwa his face drops and anger is prevalent "seriously iwa you know and yet you kissed her and what the fuck your the worst best friend" he grabs my arm and yanks me outside I don't resist I feel almost bad if I did once outside he pulls me to the ground " ARE YOU STUPID EMILIA OFF ALL THE MEN IN THERE YOU FUCKED AROUND WITH IWA YOU WANNA KNOW WHY IM RUDE TO YOU IS IT NOT OBVIOUS ARE YOU DUMB" then it clicks he's likes me  how long has he liked me I choke out some words "you like me? Since when" he stares blankly and all I can do it blink slowly he leans in and grabs me neck pullling me to his lips a soft quiet kiss and then he let go and backed up "since we met since you received that first ball of mine since I taught you all my moves since then Emilia" I can't move or speak he turns to walk in we met when I was 10 I'm now 16 6 years this boy has liked me... I've only ever been jealous of him and his skills then we had a falling out last year my birthday when he "come in bunny" lev says standing by the door I walked in lev puts his Hand on my shoulder I still like him but now my heart falls when I look at milk bread his eyes follow mine

Am I stupid I sit in my room staring the wall "how come I never saw it" I throw a volley ball up n down god it be easier if I jus never met anyone huh I think
Tomorrow will be better that's what I tell myself to make me fall asleep

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