1. How Was It?

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^^^^ *the vid that inspired this story lol* i literally love them soooo much

First time writing after I unpublished Blindfolded.

Still a little rusty but here you go. Enjoy!


"So, how was your time with Mon-El? Did you enjoy it?" A tall, lean woman asked her gloomy daughter as she walked her to her bedroom, intrigued to know about the day she had.

"It was alright, Mother. He's very sweet to me but sometimes too sweet. And not just to me. Mother, he flirted with another girl and acted as if I didn't exist. I felt pathetic." The young blonde exclaimed as she rolled her eyes, unamused with the date she previously had.

Krypton and Daxam were sister planets in the solar system, whereas time went on, rivalry between the two just seemed to get worse. In hopes to amend their relationship for the good of the resources Daxam held, The House of El declared a proposal of marriage between the eldest among the children, desperate to fix amends. The council of Daxam agreed to give it a shot and see where time would take the future newlyweds.

Mon-El, the prince of Daxam, argued at first, declaring that he was too young for this big proposition and that he had more of his life to lead and more he wanted to explore. That was, until he saw the beauty Kara possessed on their first date, and gave in without a second thought, but still keeping that charm of his to flirt with nearby female pedestrians. Kara, being an only child, was hesitant at first, and protested that she as well was too young to even know about this marriage, which was soon to happen when she would come of the age twenty to recieve proper training.

Just two years.

Two years to live her life before she's married to the biggest player of a planet in the entire universe.

Two years before she has no more control over her own life choices.

And although she did indeed have two years, that time leading up would be spent preparing her for the life she would soon have to lead.

In conclusion, Kara did not like this idea.

"We just want you to get close to Mon-El even as friends at this age. With time, you two will become as close as ever, and you won't even know the difference." Her mother had told her.

Her family thought Kara was only against the idea because of the personality Mon-El held. Very irresponsible, even as the future head of his planet. In addition to all this being true, her heart had already chosen someone else.

"I'm trying to get along with him Mother, I really am. But that Mon-El is just something else. If I could, I'd punch him with all my strength into the sun where he would never come back. But I guess that just seems impossible, huh?" Kara told her mother, a heavy sigh escaping her lips as she knew her daughter was speaking nothing but the truth. She had seen Mon-El's ways when she first met him at a small gathering the king and queen of Daxam held for the council of Krypton, which consisted of constant flirting with separate multiple girls, along with a certain young lady slapping his cheek and marking her exit with a loud "I thought you loved me!"

Of course, Alura didn't want that type of partner for her daughter, but with the conditions their planet held and the resources Daxam had to offer, she couldn't afford to mess this up.

"As I said before, give it time. You'll eventually warm up to Mon-El and soon he'll realize that he has eyes for you and only you. He'll look at no other girl the same way he'll look at you. So, tell me about today. Did you have at least have somewhat fun?" The brunette asked as she ran a brush through her daughter's hair, untangling the knots as she listened to her daughter speak.

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