2. Arguments

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I changed the ages because I had an ick just writing about Kara's marriage and her currently being 15. (Yikes)

She's 18 and expected to marry at 20 lol


The two pulled away from the other, deciding against the option to keep their distance from each other as their noses slightly brushed against the other, dopey grins on each their faces as they panted slightly.

Kara moved to rest her head on Barry's chest as he rested his head on his cloak in its balled up form, both stargazing and completely in the moment after a small but passionate kissing session the two just had.

Barry rubbed her arm as she listened to his heartbeat, contemplating on whether or not to tell him about the day she previously had and ruin the comfortable silence she had longed after a long and noisy day of running princess errands. Before she could speak, Barry beat her to it.

"I saw you in the town today." He said. A heavy sigh escaped his lips before he continued. "With Mon-El."

Her eyes slowly moved up to meet his, only to be met with the view of the small stubble on his jawline as his eyes remained on the stars in the sky.

"Yeah." Was all she was able to muster up.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally brought down his vision to meet Kara's, only to see her staring right back at him as well. She hadn't moved from her last spot.

"I thought you were gonna tell your mom about us?" He whispered as to her being so close to him. "Maybe change her mind about the whole marriage thing, remember?"

If only it was that easy.

There had been many times where Kara had wanted to do nothing more than to tell her mother about the relationship she had with Barry Al-Lei. About all the times where he would make her feel like the only girl in the world 

"Yeah I do, I do remember. I was planning to but Barry, once you look at this from my perspective, there's just so much that could cause Krypton to further go into peril because of me if things don't go according to plan. I'm not saying I don't want us to work out, but I'm just saying there's so much that could go wrong." She then sat up, Barry following as he took his place right next to her.

"Yes, of course I know there's so much that could happen. But she's your mother. You told me yourself she does anything in her power to make you happy, especially emotionally. She'll fight for us, she'll fight for you."

"Yes I know Barry, but the council doesn't care about my feelings. They'll go as far as they can to keep us apart so I can shut up." She took his hands in hers. "I love what we have, Barry. I don't want to mess it up by blabbing about it to the wrong person or at the wrong time. I'm even surprised I haven't messed it up yet because, well, you know how I am." He chuckled softly before she cupped his cheek with one hand as she held his with the other. "All I am asking for is just a bit of time. A bit of time to figure this entire mess out."

He leaned into her hand, his stubble slightly rubbing against her palm as he held her hand as well.

"Before you know it, we'll be living our own fantasy lives one day. A small cottage in a large open-wide field," She whispered. "So our children can run around all they want."

He softly sighed before looking back at her with all the love and adoration in his eyes.

He pulled her closer by her hand before they were merely inches apart. Kara comfortably rested her legs on both sides of Barry as she straddled his lap, foreheads resting against the other and his back resting against the trunk of a tree.

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