The third night

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The next morning, Naruto opened the door to his room to his mother who was holding a large white box. "Prince Sasuke asked that you wear this for tonight's ball," Kushina said. She placed the box down on his bed.

"I thought servants weren't allowed to dress up for the ball, let alone attend as a guest," Naruto said.

"Prince Sasuke has invited you to attend as his friend," Kushina said. Naruto's heart ached at that. He looked down at his feet. How could he have fallen in love with Sasuke so quickly? "You will go, right?"

"Y-yes," Naruto stuttered. He swallowed. "If that is what his highness wants, then I guess I'll go."

"Naruto," Kushina said. "We are servants, not slaves. If you really don't want to go, you don't have to."

"I-It's fine," Naruto said. "I'll go."

Kushina nodded. "Alright. We have a few things to do before the ball starts. Let's get to work." Naruto nodded, taking one last glance at the box before following Kushina out of the room.


Sasuke found Naruto in the garden, tending to the roses. He stepped up to the blond and hugged him from behind. "Working hard I see, Dobe."

"Prince Sasuke," Naruto nearly yelled in surprised.

Sasuke smirked as he tightened his hold. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok," Naruto lied.

Sasuke frowned. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing," Naruto said. "I just have some things I need to do." He broke out of Sasuke's hold and walked away from the raven.

Sasuke glared at the spot Naruto once stood. He then turned and followed after the blond. "Look, I know what we did yesterday was a bit fast and we've only known each other for a few days, but I don't regret it." He paused in realization. "Do you regret it?"

"No!" Naruto yelled. "I will never regret what we did!"

"Then why are you so mad?" Sasuke asked.

"I'm not mad," Naruto said as he continued to water the yellow roses.

"Then what's wrong?" Sasuke asked.

"I told you, it's nothing," Naruto said.

"Then why won't you look at me?" Sasuke asked. Naruto stopped what he was doing and looked right into Sasuke's eyes. "That's not..." Sasuke sighed. "Look, Naruto. I don't want you to feel like you have to do everything I say. You may be a servant, but you are also my... my friend." He looked down, blushing slightly. "Because of that, I'm just Sasuke and your just Naruto." He looked up and gasped. "Naruto?"

Tears rolled down Naruto's face. Having Sasuke directly call him a friend hurt. He thought they were more than just friends. At the call of his name, Naruto turned and ran away. He ran from the garden and into the castle where he nearly collided with Orochimaru.

Orochimaru looked at Naruto's tear stained face and grinned. "Naruto. Whatever happened, it's alright." He took a step towards the blond. "Let me console you." He reached out a hand.

Sasuke slapped Orochimaru's hand. "Stay away from him!"

"Now Prince Sasuke, I was just..." Orochimaru began.

"Shut up!" Sasuke yelled. "I told you not to touch him."

Orochimaru put up his hands. "I didn't do anything. He ran into me."

"Leave," Sasuke ordered. Orochimaru bowed before walking away. Sasuke grabbed Naruto's arm and pulled him into the nearest room. Luckily, no one was there. He sat Naruto down onto the bed, glad that the room was a guest bedroom. He locked the door before returning to Naruto's side. "Will you tell me what got you so upset?"

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