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I walk forward when I feel us stop spinning and put Leon on the ground. He stumbles for a moment before latching onto my arm until he stops feeling dizzy. Siri and Remy step through the fireplace and Remy takes Leon and swings him up onto his shoulders. 

Together we walk through the Leaky Cauldron and I look around for my favourite red heads. "Mischief! Mayhem!" I call out their nicknames loudly when I see them and wave frantically when they spin around to see me. Both of their jaws drop in shock and I laugh at their reactions before running forward and hugging them both tightly. 

They both take turns lifting me up and spinning me around. "What? when? how?" They both stuttered out as they motioned towards my body. I chuckle and reach up to play with their now long fluffy hair. "I'm growing up now." Was all the response I gave them before I turned my attention to Ginny and the white haired girl she was holding hands with. I smile at both of them before giving them a hug. "Was your summer good Gin, Little moon?" Luna's dreamy expression increases at the nickname.

The girls nod happily before pulling me over to the side to tell me all about it. "Father and I went hunting for Nargels. He even let me write my own article for the quibbler. Would you like a copy?" The white haired girl with a dreamy voice asked. I take the copy from her outstretched hand and put it into my bag with the promise of reading it later since I had shopping to do today. 

Ginny was about to tell me about Egypt but George grabbed me by the waist and lifted me off the ground while Fred caught my bag that slid off my shoulder. "Sorry girlies but we would like to be the one to share our adventures" George carried me away as I laughed and Fred soon followed after. I wave to my godfathers on the way out so they know where I am. 

When my feet are finally reunited with the ground Fred grabbed my hand and twirled me. I giggled happily and linked my arms with theirs. We went to the apothecary first to get our supplies for the year. I put all of my stuff into my bottomless bag while the bogs put theirs inside the new cauldron's they had to get. Apparently they blew theirs up during summer, which honestly didn't surprise me. 

"Come on boy's, book shopping time. Wait do you guys need robes?" they look to each other but shake their heads. Knowing what their expression meant I drag them over to madam malkins. They both sigh but didn't stop me. "Morning madam. These two handsome fellows need new school robes."

"Well then, step up onto the platforms. Would you like to pick the fabrics, Lady potter?"

"Yes please" She nods and starts measuring George. I walk over the the fabrics and pick the best ones and made a note for extra protections to be added so they were less likely to get hurt while experimenting. I also added a few cloaks to the mix, these cloaks were weather sensitive so they would change depending on the weather to make the wearer as comfortable as possible despite the season.

"They will be done in an hour." We thank her and go over to flourish and bolts, I pull out my list on the way and scan over the reading list.

Book list:

The standard book of spells, grade 3 by Miranda Goshawk. 

Unfogging the future by Cassandra Vablatsky (If studying Divination) 

Intermediate transfiguration by Emeric Switch

The monster book of Monsters (if studying Care of magical creatures)

Numerology and Grammatica (if studying Arithmancy)

Home life and Social habits of British muggles by Wilhelm Wogworthy (If studying muggle studies) 

Spellman's Syllabary (If studying study of ancient runes)

The essential defence against the dark arts by Arsenius Jigger

Since I was only doing Transfiguration, defence, ancient runes, care of magical creatures and divination I didn't worry about the other books, I did also get a potions book since I could do potions with Dad if I wanted to.

"You don't have to keep doing that you know?" I stop and turn my attention to Fred as he moves from one foot to the other as he rubs the back of his head, he was clearly embarrassed and his twin seemed to share that emotion. I wave my hand and place a sound barrier around us along with a notice me not charm. I move us to the side so we aren't in the way of the walkers by.

"I'm going to be blunt with the both of you. I grew up in an abusive household, I used to sleep in a cupboard under the stairs and get chased by my cousin and his friends at school." I pause and hold out my hands as I turn my sleeves transparent showing the scars that were there. "I have more over the rest of my body. I know what its like to have nothing. The reason I spoil you guys is because not only do you deserve it but because I finally have something to my name and have the chance to use it to make the people I care about most happy. Plus I can see myself being in a relationship with you both. That's if you would be okay with that?" 

I finally look back up at them and my sleeves turn back to normal. They both had teary eyes as they look at me. When the silence becomes too much I was going to say something but they both beat me too it "Your willing to accept us both?"

"Of course I am" I stat as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. At my words they both pull me into a tight embrace and they speak in unison. "Thank you. We promise we will try our hardest from now on to make sure no one ever hurts you ever again."

I smile and hug them back as I let out a breath of relief. I got my twins.

Lady of the Dementors (M.O.M book 3)Where stories live. Discover now