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Today was our first practical lesson with Remy. He had spent the last few lessons getting to know the students and even told everyone stories about his time at Hogwarts. We all entered the class together but were stopped by Remy. "Afternoon, would you all please leave your things in your bag. Today's lesson will be a practicle one so you will only need your wands. Follow me." The students part to let him walk through and out the door before we follow behind. I could tell how nervous he was so I skip up next to him and hug his arm as we walk. He smiles as his shoulders drop and he relaxes. It was my turn to smile when he places a kiss on my temple and rests his free hand on my arm. "Thanks pup." he whispers just loud enough for me and I tighten my hold on him to let him know I heard him.

As we make our way through the corridors we came across a certain poltergeist floating upside down and trying to stuff a key hole with bubble gum. The moment he saw Remy he broke into song "loony, loopy Lupin" he repeated the same three words a few times before Remy speaks up "I'd take that gum out of the keyhole, if I were you, Preeves. Mr. Filch won't be able to get his brooms" the poltergeist blows a raspberry in response.

Remy sighs, clearing loosing his patience a bit more. He pulls out his wand and turn the look at the rest of us over his shoulder. "This will be a useful spell for each of you to remember, watch closely please." he turns back to Preeves and flicks his wand in the ghosts direction say clearly 'waddiwashi'. with that the gum flies out of the keyhole and straight up Preeves' nose. The ghost whirls away cursing loudly while a few of the Gryffindor students praise our teacher

We walk into the room that would hold todays lesson. I chuckle when I see Siri sat on the floor, leg crossed and jacket thrown to the side, as Leon stands behind him plying with his hair. I kiss Remy's cheek and hand him my bag, before joining the two on the ground and start teaching Leon to braid. He picks up on it quickly and braids Siri's hair, it was messy but it was still really good for a first try. "Well done little lion." I praise the small boy and a wide grin spreads across his face. He lifts his arms and I stand up, picking him up as I do and letting him rest on my hip.

I walk over to were Draco and Blaise where standing away from the rest of the lesson and zone out Hermione's verbal regurgita of the schools text books. The boys and I roll our eyes. as great as it was that she could memorize an entire book. It didn't mean she understood any of the information. It was one of the reasons why Dad didn't like teaching her.

After explaining to the class why it was best to always face Boggarts in a group Remy goes on to explain the correct spell to use. "The charm that repels a Boggart is simple, yet it requires force of mind. You see, the thing that really finishes a Boggart off is laughter. What you need to do is force it to assume a shape that you find amusing. We will practice the charm without wands first. After me please... Riddikulus". The whole class copies and only a few miss the 'K' in the pronunciation. Remy's increased hearing picks up on it easily and he repeats himself a little slower this time so they could hear it. The whole times he wears a polite smile so they know he's not criticizing them. 

Leon nuzzles his head into my neck making me relax as I play with his hair. Turning my attention back to Remy as I do. "All of you line up. Neville, you first" He motions the shy brunette forward to the front of the line. Over the summer Siri and Remy seemed to have formed an uncle like body with all of my friends.

"Right Neville, first things first: what would you say frightens you most in the world?" my brother mutters out the words Professor Snape while giving me and apologetic smile. I shrug not minding. I knew that Dad easily intimidated a lot of people especially Neville. but I also knew that Neville wasn't as afraid of him as he was in first year.

"I believe you live with your grandmother, correct?" Remy asks giving the brunette an encouraging smile "Er - yes, But I wouldn't want the Boggart turning into her either."

"No, no, you misunderstand me. I wonder, could you tell us what sort of clothes your grandmother usually wears?" I roll my eyes, not only at knowing where this was going but also at the way that Siri also became aware and starting jumping around giddily and transfigured a polaroid camera to get evidence against Dad. Possibly for blackmail use in the future.

Nev starts describing his grandmothers clothes down the the vulture on her hat and her bright red handbag. Remy gently moves Neville forward and places his hands on the young boys shoulders from behind to help boost his confidence. He count down from three and the wardrobe bursts open letting a black mist spill out before it swirls rapidly gaining a bit of white before is solidifies into an image of Severus. Neville stares at his for a moment before holding up his wand and shouting the charm. 

The class breaks into laughter at the spells effectiveness and Siri cackles in the corner as he takes a photo. I chuckle along with a few others. Everyone calms down and the rest of the class takes their turn. It gets to me and I pass Leon to Remy and pull out my wand as I take my place in front of the Boggart. 

Almost instantly it changes into eight different people. I hear the class mutter beside me when they see the image before them. Suddenly all eight of them let out ear piecing screams as they fall to the floor and whither in pain. My eyes burn with tears and my breathing picks up at I watched Siri, Remy, Leon, Fred, George, Severus, James and Lily die in front of me. 

I feel my chest start to tighten as I stumble backwards. I trip over my own feet and fall into a pair of arms. Black spots start to appear in my vision as it becomes impossibly hard to breath. It feels like dying and yet I had no control over my body any more.  Someone steps in front of me and yells the spell. I faintly hear the class be dismissed but everything around me was becoming hazy and blurred, like I was suddenly viewing everything from under water. I could hear my down blood rush in my ears along with the sound of static. 

I feel myself be rocked back and forth and a something in my lap. After what feels like an eternity I finally calm and find myself sat on the floor in Siri's lap. Siri and Remy both had their arms wrapped around me and I was hugging Leon like a teddy bear. I relax my grip on the five year old a little and close my eyes as I work on my breathing. I lean my head against Siri's shoulder since he was the closest and soon fall asleep, exhausted from the panic attack. 

A /N

I know I haven't written in a while for any of my books but I have finally finished studying for this year so until October I only have work and writing to focus on. I am going to try completing one of my other books first just to cross it off the list, so do bare with me. 

Mischief managed,

Livvy xx.

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