Chapter 1

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"Can't you just come today?"  Mom as always trying to make me feel bad about studying in another country. It's not like I wanted to leave them, I just wanted to travel, you know.

"Mom, I promise I'll come during the weekend then."

"But that's so far." She whined making her voice a little cracky.

"Leave that boy alone. You're the one who wanted him to become a doctor." I heard my father saying in the back. I chuckled to myself.

"But I never wanted him to study in a different country. I want my baby back."

"Mom, I'm getting off the train now. We'll talk later."

"Alright. Be safe okay and stop being too nice to people. You're gonna get yourself into trouble one day."

"Mom, you're being paranoid. There's no such thing as being too nice."

"Still, be careful."

"I will. Bye."

"Bye. Love you."

"Love you too, mom." I hung up. I sighed after getting out of the station. It's like a 10 minute walk to my house so I get daily exercise everytime I go home after classes.

Tonight seems like a very peaceful night.

I decided to listen to a podcast about things that have been happening recently. Apparently, there have been shootings during the past two days around my area. Fortunately, no one got hurt and I was with my friend at his dorm. It is advised to be indoor by 9pm and it's already 10:30pm right now. I should hurry.

I increased my pace and hurried home. I got home after around 8 minutes and immediately locked the doors. Then I remembered, it's been a while since I watered my flowers in the garden and it hasn't rained this week.

It's now 10:40pm and I'm doubting going outside. They said the shootings took place during 9-10pm so it should be safe by now, right? Yeah I'm going out. It took me a while to get used to taking care of my babies and I'm not gonna let them die again.

I took my watering can, filled it with water then headed out. It's quiet, that means it's safe.

I made sure to hurry. It didn't take long before I was watering the last roses. Right after I finished a loud bang went off causing me to drop my watering can in shock. I dropped to the ground with covered ears and shut eyes.

That bang was really close to where I am. I opened my eyes after a second only to meet with a guy, tall, wearing ragged clothes, hella buff, standing across the yard from me. I immediately fell back. Even though it's dark and I can barely see anything I can easily tell he was running from someone or something.

He looked to his right before sprinting towards me. I tried crawling away from him but he caught up to me. He pulled me up, covered my mouth and pulled me to the other side of the house while holding onto me really tightly so I wouldn't escape. I tried screaming but his big hand was covering my mouth very firmly.

Wait, what is this?! Why is his hand so big!

"Ssh...please." He whispered. He sounds very weak. I tried removing his hand on my mouth but it's too strong. Wait, why is his hand wet. I looked at my hands and was shocked to see a dark liquid. Is this blood? He also smells like blood.

I immediately froze after hearing two other guys come into my yard.

"Dammit! You lost it again!" They started yelling. They sound very pissed.

"Me?! You're the one who didn't pull the f*cking trigger! The f*ck's wrong with you anyways, huh!"

"Let's just go. I want that pup!"

"You got the mother, why do you want the pup anyways."

"Let's just f*cking go!" After soft footsteps on grass it went quiet for a while.

What the hell is happening?!

Suddenly, his hand slowly started to slide down my face. He's falling, he's passing out. Wait, no!

"Hey! Hey, are you okay? What's going on? Do you need help?" I tried talking to him but he isn't responding. "Ambulance." I don't have my phone on me. I tried getting up but he held my hand.

"Don'" He passed out.

What the hell am I supposed to do? Why doesn't he want me to call someone? Were those guys after him? I'm pretty sure they had guns.

Before all those questions, what can I do to help this guy? Is he dying? I should try to help him. Luckily I'm a medicine student doing my second year so I could use some of the knowledge I know on him and try to get him better somehow.

I tried my very best to pull him into my house, which I know is a bad idea. You don't just let a stranger, especially if they're covered in blood, into you're house.

He's freaking heavy! How can a human this fit be this heavy!? Is this how heavy muscles are? If that's the case, I'm not gonna exercise ever again.

I pulled him to my room. He looks very bad. His clothes are completely ruined and covered in blood. He also has a bunch of bruises and cuts. What exactly happened?

I took off his shirt, I dare not take off his pants. Okay, his scars are not small. These are seriously deep. How was he able to sprint that fast towards me and stand while holding me in his hands with these kinds of cuts?

I tried my very best cleaning all the blood on his body. Then I disinfected all his scars and bruises, followed buy bandaging him. I didn't have enough bandages so I had to leave for a few minutes. The entire time I was watching behind my back. Jerry, the convenient store worker, looked at me weirdly though.

My mind is somewhere else. What's happening? Were those guys after him? But they were talking about a pup. Did they mean a dog? If yes, why was he covered his blood and all those wounds? He doesn't have any bullet wounds though so maybe they weren't chasing him.

After getting back home I realized that the floor is covered in blood from dragging him to my room. It's not like I had a choice, he's too heavy.

After attending the nearly dead guy in my room I cleaned the floors. I've never had to clean blood from anything so I'm just throwing baking soda everywhere in hopes for the best. The yard had a little blood too so I used the hose to wash it away.

After I was done with everything I went and sat on the chair next to the bed. He looks half dead. His skin is so pale and cold. Looking at his body up close he looks inhumanely muscly and a little hairier than normal men. His entire chest, legs and arms are covered with a lot of hair. Maybe he's around 190cm?*

(A/N I don't know how to convert this to ft maybe 6'7 or 6'9, I don't know.)

I'm around 170cm so you can imagine how short I am compared to him.

Naturally my eyes fell onto his "ahem". Wow, he must be huge there too.

Aish, what am I thinking!

I have class tomorrow morning so I should get some sleep.

I went to brush my teeth first. Then I realized my face is covered with dried blood. He held my face earlier and his hands were bloody. No wonder Jerry looked at me weirdly. Weird he didn't say anything though. I washed the blood off then brushed my teeth.

I then went to the dining room then laid on the very soft couch. Then I started thinking about Mike. It's been two weeks since he broke up with me without giving me a reason and I still think about him. I never did anything wrong and our relationship was going pretty well. That made me think maybe it's me, I was being too clingy or something.

Not after long I had completely passed out.


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