~ Truths, Decisions and Plans ~

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Whether it was the birds outside or the sense that something was moving close by that woke her, L didn't know, but she stirred groggily from her sleep. She knew she was laid somewhere comfortable, and it took a few more seconds for everything to come flooding back.

Her eyes flew open, and she peered around the cottage. It looked just as homely during the day. She could see the sprawling forest through one of the windows and make out a dark covering of clouds above. So, the weather wasn't much different in this version of the world either.

L was about to get up when the sense of movement she realised she had felt earlier prickled again. She turned quickly to see someone walking, or rather floating, through from the door to her right. It was Maeve, the Elemental, and she was beaming down at L when she noticed her.

"Ahh, you're finally awake, we were wondering how long you'd sleep."

L creased her brow at Maeve, "Really? I didn't realise anyone would be waiting all night for me to wake up."

Maeve tilted her head slightly to the side and floated further into the room.

"You've been asleep for almost two days. Bryce helped you the first night, but we didn't expect it to knock you out entirely. Vadim explained that it was your brain and body trying to recover from what you went through. He was right, as always. You look refreshed and rejuvenated now."

L felt her eyes widen a touch. How could she have slept for nearly two days and not realised?

She frowned as she looked at Maeve again. "What do you mean, Bryce helped me to sleep? I didn't need any help, I was already exhausted."

Maeve smiled softly, and her face rippled.

"He didn't help you to sleep. He just made sure you slept peacefully, but for some reason, you were more peaceful than he intended. We got a little worried when you didn't stir at all yesterday."

L shook her head as though it would help the words sink in. She stretched out her body and felt the stiffness start to fall away. It was like she'd never travelled across the country, and the fuzziness was gone from her mind. She sat back into the sofa and peered around, a yawn escaping unbidden. The living room was as clean as when she'd arrived, and Maeve looked exactly the same as that night.

"Have you been here the whole time?"

Maeve laughed lightly, and it sounded like the 'plink' of rainfall in cartoons.

"No, of course not. Matilda came to take over from me yesterday and last night, then I came back early this morning. It is two hours passed midday after all."

L whistled out in exhale. She still couldn't believe she'd slept so long. Or that everyone here was so intent on looking after her that they didn't leave her alone for a second despite her being asleep.

Maeve had turned away now and was busying herself with the fire. Seconds later, it was roaring and sending out waves of warmth that L appreciated. The blanket she had been given was on the floor, and she had started to feel a chill.

"So what's the plan now? Can I go back to the Council and discuss my parents again?" L asked, picking up the blanket and laying it over the arm of the sofa.

When Maeve turned back to her, she was frowning. It did unusual things to her face.

"We are not in session today. Certain things have occurred... they're not serious so please don't worry," she added hastily. "Everyone has had to depart to their separate clans, packs, etc, but they'll be back tomorrow. As for your questions, I think I can answer some of them myself. But maybe you should shower first and have something to eat, you must be famished by now."

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now