Chap 1

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Time skip

17 yrs later

"Yah tae plz give that back I have to hide it from aunt Fezza

"I know you will say this so I am not giving it I am handing the papers to aunt."

"Yah plz don't do that she will kill me tae....."

"Chim you already hid 3 other papers from her. You know the teacher can call her and say you got your exam papers and you failed in everything."

"Then I will get all the scolding at once if I tell her I failed everytime I get papers then I have to hear her scolding everytime."


"Tae pweasee🥺🥺"

"Aish fine... You know I can't handle your cuteness"

He said while pinching his cheeks.

He was going to handover his paper to him when a hand came and took it from him. They got shocked and looked back to see a lady with a poker face scanning the paper.

??: Jimin care to explain.

Tae:(whisper) shit she is calling you by your name your doomed.

Jimin gulped.

"Umm aunt heheh"



"So where are the other three papers tae mentioned."

"You heard that"

"You know I have a very strong hearing ability WHEREAS YOU HAVE 0"

She shouted and they flinched.

"How many times have I told you to study well huh."

"Aunt he knows everything he..

"Tae baby I know he is your soulmate and all but you shouldn't take his side in things like this if he does then why isn't it on the papers."

"Aunt I ....

"If you fail this year I will have to change your school and there's no other schools here nearb....

"Then let's move to city aunt tae is also moving we will move with them if he goes I will be alone here."

"Oh so that's why you were doing bad in your grades to move to city huh.

Jimin nodded

"That's not happening. Now go inside get fresh and sit to study.

"Why what is the problem on going to city aunt. I was living in this forest since I was a child. Everytime you say that it's not good there then why is tae moving there.

"Jimin I understand that you want to go to the city you will I just don't know when. I promised to your mom that I will keep you from outside world as much as I can. You should understand that now go inside tae you go to your house too.

Jimin still angrily walked to his room then slammed the door shut he sat on his bed and sighed.

Fezza was the one who took care of him all this years. He never been to the outside world his aunt says he is different and he needs to be protected.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2021 ⏰

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