chapter nineteen

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luciana pov <3

"WE GO IN THERE, guns-a-blazin', make Ward beg for mercy, abscond with as much gold as possible and vamonos, get the hell out of there." JJ says.

"esto va a ser un desastre" I mumble to myself.

Translation: this is gonna be a disaster

"What was that?" JJ asks.

"Nothing." I flash an innocent smile.

John B, Kie and Pope discussed the plan, "Exit to Cuba." Pope finished.

"Cuba? No, man, Xcalak, Jewel of the Yucatan, lobsters so thick, mangoes, and no word for money." JJ protests.

"I've been there before." I say.

"You have?" John B asks.

"Yeah, with my friend Cesar and his family." I tell them.

"His? A boy? Your parents let you go on a vacation with a boy?" Pope asks shocked.

"Mm-hm, our families are really good friends. I should probably text him--"

"Let's do this shit." John B interrupts.

"What's the plan? Broad strokes."

"I didn't get that far yet."

"They're loading up the gold."

An all black range rover pulled into the airstrip and Ward came out.

"I see Ward." Pope tells us, JB gets out his binoculars and looks. He saw something and his jaw dropped to the ground. Kie and I noticed John B's expression and tried looking at was he was looking at.

"What?" Kie asks, What?!" She repeats.

"It's Sarah.." John B whispered.

"She's with him? No way. Sarah wouldn't do that." I snatch the binoculars from him and look, "What the fuck.." I mumble.

"Wait a minute.." Pope says.

"He's hurting her." I state.



"They're fighting." Pope realizes.

I drop the binoculars and run to the Twinkie with John B. He starts the engine and drives through the fence ignoring everyone's protests. He drove onto the runway and sped to the plane. Once we caught up, he tried to calm down Sarah.

"Get off the runway!" Ward screamed.

John B stepped on the peddle, harder than before and sped faster than the plane. Once we got a faster pace, he pulled the brake and stopped in front of the plane. It was speeding to us and I covered my eyes but before it could hit us the brake was pulled. John B pushed the car door open and started bickering with Ward as I ran to my best friend.

I hugged her and she ran to John B afterwards. Ward tried pulling her away.

"No! Don't touch me. And don't tell me what to do." She backs away from him.

"Luciana, put some sense into my daughter." Ward begs.

I walk up to him slowly and slap him in the cheek, "You fucking bastard. You killed my motherfucking sister, you fucking bitch, go to hell!" I yell at him.

"I didn't kill Julieta. He's got you brainwashed."

I slapped him again and that's when tears started rushing down my cheeks. "Don't lie to me. I hate you!"

A cop car came speeding down the runway and Sarah told John B that he has to get out if there. "Oh, thank god, Susan, you're here. I told you he has lost his goddamn mind." Ward says.

"Put your hands on your head." Peterkin says.

"I'd do what she said, kid." Ward tells John B.

"She's talking to you, Ward." John B replies, Peterkin takes out her gun and points it at Ward.

Ward turns around and looks at the woman, "You're under arrest for the murder of 'Big John' Routledge and Julieta Sanchez." Sheriff Peterkin states.

"Are you kidding me?" Ward grumbles.

"Put your hands on your head." She sternly repeats.

"Are you kidding me, Sue?!" He exclaims angrily.

"Put your hands on your head!" She yells.

He follows her directions and puts his hands on his head. "Turn around." She orders as he obeys. Ward turns around and faces us.

"Drop to your knees." She orders. He did just that. "I don't like bein' used." She grumbles. "I've been waiting a long time for this." She pushes him to the floor and a gunshot goes off. Rafe pops out from behind the plane with a gun in his hand.

"R-rafe?" I choke out.

"Rafe. What did you do?" Ward asks.

Peterkin falls to the ground and Rafe smiles, "I saved you, dad."

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