Spell doom.

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I had learnt the art of lying at a very young age,it came in handy when I chose to evade my chores back in the days,where Richard,our family cat,took the brunt of my blames.

But when I got older and Richard chose my father.

I had to source for other measures,because I was lazy and inconsistent,I didn't want any commitments,and I preferred to be on my own.

Then Peter came,messed things up,got me acting like some highschool house wife.Gave me a reason to have goals,made me more focused and success oriented,and kept me sober.

Then sombre.

But Peter's hardly relevant to this faze of my story,because after the breakup I fell face flat on my achievements and went through a bounty of disappointments.

A part of me hated Peter though,even when I lied to my friends that his flimsy attempt at closure had managed to placate my pain.


I despised him.

He gave me hope,even when I never asked for it,and the douche bag had the audacity to take it with him when he finally left.

A piece of me that I would never realise left with him that day.

That horrible,horrible day.

The day he ended up in the hospital.

Yeah I bet you didn't expect that.

Well guess what.

Peter's closure wasn't really dished out from his shit ass mouth.

It was read on his funeral,by his dad,the guy who once worked in the army.

Yeah Peter died.

Now I know what you must be thinking,but like I said before.

Peter isn't relevant,at all.

What is relevant,was the side effects that came at a later time,after his burial.

Justine's boyfriend wasn't in the picture anymore,so Justine thought it preferable that I moved in with her.

I was given a better car to commute to college and an even better looking apartment,who was I to refuse,even though the woman screamed desperate.

But even with all those excesses,I ended up in a never ending circle,

Where I couldn't evade the pain that came with heartbreak,

I couldn't evade the nightmares,

I couldn't evade homework at school,

I couldn't evade my own mother,

I couldn't evade the cliché stage of going emo,

I couldn't evade the attraction I felt towards my teacher,

I couldn't evade going to rehab for a whole year,long story,

And I couldn't evade the loss of my ex,

According to the autopsy's report,he was brutally assaulted by the lochness monster.

I'm totally kidding.

Apparently he fell down some stairs and broke his neck at the end of it,smashed his skull to the hard floors and died on the spot.

Some pretty dark stuff.

I lied about something though,

Peter may have been pretty forgettable,but the effect he once had on me wasn't.


Wouldn't go away.

A/N--I know what you're thinking,'Miss Narrator,oh miss narrator,what the hell is this?'😂

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