Double take (Semishira)

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Shirabu probably shouldn't be here, but he was. In his defense, he didn't know- never would've even thought- that Semi would be in the music wing of all places.

He was just running an errand, carrying a stack of papers to give to the band instructor, who, annoyingly, wasn't even in his office. To be fair, it was after school hours, but still. Shirabu was just about to grumpily head back to the teacher's office when he saw Semi round the corner. Panicked, he ducked behind the corner- and in hindsight he doesn't know why he did, it's not like he's not allowed to be here or anything. And now he can't leave without alerting Semi of his presence. How lovely.

Curiosity overtook him as he's contemplating what to do, and he peeks out from behind the corner.

Semi sat on a chair in the choir room, back towards him. He was slightly hunched over something, Shirabu squints, is that a guitar? He didn't know that Semi could play the guitar.

His questions answered by quiet strumming and soft humming. Light music fill the silence of the halls as Semi tunes the guitar, playing a cord every once in a while.

It goes silent again, and Shirabu finds that he can't look away. He hears Semi clear his throat, proceeding singing a couple of warm up excises.

Semi's voice was clear, with a low rumble that sent a shiver up his spine.

Next time the silence is interrupted, it's by soft guitar cords, flowing together beautifully. Shirabu's fixated on the way Semi's fingers move gracefully and a lovely melody danced in the air.

I could say I never dare
To think about you in that way, but
I would be lyin

Shirabu blinks, the words that Semi sang were definitely not Japanese.

English? He didn't know that Semi knew English, he himself only knew parts and pieces, haven taken serval classes but never really putting it into practice.

But I won't deny that
In the midst of the crowds

Semi seems to have hit a wrong note, because he goes back and redoes the part he fumbled. Shirabu wants to hear more, he slowly inches out from behind the corner. Scuttling a little closer but still ensuring that he was not in Semi's field of vision.

In the shapes in the clouds
I don't see nobody but you

Shirabu shivers, Semi's voice is even, with a underlying softness that he hadn't heard earlier. He realized that Semi was singing a love song, and he suddenly feels like he's intruding on a private moment.

In my rose-tinted dreams
Wrinkled silk on my sheets
I don't see nobody but you

The melody is catchy, and Shirabu found himself humming along, carried by the delicate strums and the gentle singing. He pretends to not notice the way his heart trembles.

Boy, you got me hooked onto something
Who could say that they saw us coming?
Tell me
Do you feel the love?

Semi's a little louder now, and he plays with more confidence. The musics flows down the entire hallway, and Shirabu's is swept up in it. He sways gently to the beat, a small smile itching across his face.

Spend a summer or a lifetime with me
Let me take you to the place of your dreams
Tell me
Do you feel the love?

Shirabu could practically hear the smile in Semi's voice, and his eyes follow the way Semi sways in his chair.

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