|| 13. Aftermath||

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Annika entered into the room to see it unnaturally silent. After what happened outside, she had expected Shivaay to have wrecked the whole room by now. But here, nothing was touched. She saw his coat lying on the couch along with his phone. It suddenly struck her that Shivaay hadn't had any food. She quickly asked one servant who was passing by the room to get some food for Shivaay. He bought it soon after. She began searching for her husband. Annika found him near the poolside in a secluded corner. She went towards him and as if sensing her he turned. Her heart broke seeing him so vulnerable and broken. She gently held his hand and made him sit. She forwaded a morsel of food towards his mouth. He didn't protest not did he show any expressions. Annika got hell scared. She wanted Shivaay to open up to her and here he was shutting himself off from everyone including herself. And that definitely was not a good sign. After the food was done, she asked Shivaay to go to the room and change while she keeps the empty plates in the kitchen and comes. By the time she came back, she saw that Shivaay was sitting on the bed with the same expressions and hadn't changed his clothes. His shirt's top two buttons were opened, his tie was loosened and his hair was completely dishelleved. His eyes were hollow and had dark circles underneath them. All in all his face depicted what was going on inside him. She slowly made her way towards him and tapped his shoulder to bring him out of his reverie. But what he did next surprised her. He held her hand and kept his head in her lap. He had held on to her hand quite tightly as if he was scared that she would leave him and go if he left her. With his free hand, he took her other hand and made her caress his hair. She was getting more and more tensed seeing him as such. She continued caressing his hair and occasionally also peppered kisses on his forehead to make the frown lines disappear. She was still in tension about the fact that he hadn't spoken a word since the incident. Finally after a few minutes, Shivaay spoke. His voice was drowsy and tired. He spoke very slowly but was audible to Annika.

"I failed Anni. I failed. I disappointed my brothers. I failed. "

Annika's heart broke seeing him as such but composed herself for him. She bent down and gave him a kiss on his forehead. She saw that he had gone to sleep but his hold on her hadn't loosened. She also laid her head back on the headrest and went to sleep eventually.


Om was also shaken up. He saw Gauri coming into the room with a milkshake in hand. He shook his head and refused the drink.

"No Gauri, I am definitely not in the mood for this milkshake. Take it away. "

Gauri was also very stubborn. She came and sat beside Om and forced him to hold the glass.

"Omkaraji, you and me both know that among the three of you, you are the most sensible one. If you don't play the mediator, who will? Try to understand."

"No Gauri, I may be more sensible but the other two are no fools. They are fully grown adults. Plus what Shivaay did was wrong. On the top of it, he shouted on us. And in the hall itself, I told Rudra that he shouldn't speak to Shivaay like that. So that is sorted too. I am not going to meddle into this much. We haven't had such a big fight before. So I don't want to make things worse. Let time do it work."

"Fine Omkaraji, I won't force you do something if you don't wish to do it. But I more worried about Rudy Bhaiya. Will you please talk to him?"

"Yes Gauri, I will. He really felt bad. I could easily see it on his face that how heartbroken he was. You know Gauri, this is what I feared since the past so many days. But I couldn't have avoided it. There's absolutely nothing that I can do in this matter."

"Fine Omakarji, let's not dwell on this. Do not overthink. You already had a very busy day. Go to sleep. We will talk over this on length tomorrow. Give me the glass, I will keep it in the kitchen. Good night."

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