Chapter Six

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Jonathon held onto his shotgun so tightly, his knuckles were losing color, resembling a rather bright white, Jonathon saw a pair of doors. The truck's headlights turned off after a few seconds, and as he drew a breath, he cleared all the thoughts he had from his mind, as he got himself ready to go inside. He wasn't sure what'd he see, but no matter how horrible, he had only one reason. To push on ahead. His family. His family was in danger because of a mistake, he was too scared to take care of as a child, now as an adult, he had no choice, but to face it. Grabbing onto to the handle as gently as he could, the door opened. Tightening his hand on the shotgun, until a wave of pain shot through his body, he stepped inside. The inside of the warehouse was large, and incredibility worn down. Rust, dust, and bits of ice, frozen over one coat of paint walls, filled his vision. In the middle of the room were enormous amounts of big and small boxes. Some had been stepped in, others had tears and cuts on them, and they were all gathered to the middle of the warehouse.

As he waked along the floor, bringing himself further and further away from the doors, it startled him when he felt cold snowflakes land on each of his shoulders. Glaring up at the ceiling, he noticed many types of holes, which was allowing the cold air and snow to come in. Once he felt the freezing frosty air, he feared for the worst. What state was his family in? So many questions were circling around in his head. As he took another look around at his surroundings, his eyes widened. Dropping the shotgun to the floor, he knelt down so fast, his knees had burns, that ripped through his jeans.

''Clark!'' he shouted, wrapping his arms around his son's freezing unconscious body. He was cold at the touch, even with all the layers on top of him. His face was blue, and his lips were dry and cracked. Grabbing Clark's face, and holding his hands on both his cheeks, he brushed his thumbs up and down as he tried to wake him.


''Martha?'' Jonathon's eyes turned to look behind him. He rose slowly, as he saw his wife and Kenneth. With an evil expression, Kenneth walked a few feet away from her, impressed with himself, Jonathon remained still.

''Martha? He didn't hurt you, did he?!''

''No....but Clark? Take care of the kryptonite!'' Martha shouted in a panicked voice. Jonathon turned his body around, but with his eyes still glued to Kenneth, he grabbed the rock with his hand, carefully ripping the tape from Clark's forehead. He struggled to remove the tape, because of how hard and frozen it was, but once he finally got it free, he twisted the tape from around Clark's forehead, holding the rock in his hand now, Clark's body instantly fell to the side, his muscles felt like they were on fire, as Jonathon reacted quickly. With his hand under Clark's neck, supporting him, Jonathon clenched his teeth as he ripped the tape that kept Clark's hands bound to it.

Bleeding and severely swollen, Jonathon laid Clark's head down on the floor, as gently as he could. Making sure he was wrapped up with the blanket, aware that he was out of danger, he could proceed to dealing with Kenneth.

''I should kill you, for what you put him through, what you put my wife through! You're lucky I still care for you, little brother.'' Jonathon growled.

''Care about me? ''You care about me'' where was all that care when I was taken away, in the back of a police car?! Where were you then!'' Kenneth shouted.

''You got what you deserved, Kenneth! You attempted to murder so many people! You had to be stopped! You wouldn't listen to me when I tried to stop you! Remember that? I tried to stop you, but you fought me, you fought against me! Knowing there wasn't anything anyone could do for you, I knew you'd be safe at that facility. You needed help, Kenneth! After all you've done, I don't think you're through, you need more help.'' Jonathon whispered.

''I won't go back. Jonathon! I'd rather die, then go back! You hear me?!''

''I don't think you have a choice here, Kenneth! The police are on there way, you severally underestimated me.''

''How could you?! I told you not too! I warned you what would happen, if you didn't listen to me. I warned you!'' Kenneth's face grew with fury. As a small remote control appeared, it stunned Jonathon when he saw it.

''Now, now, Kenneth, they have nothing to do with this, you want me, I'm here, you have me here, there's no need to push that button.''

''You can't reach both of them, Jonathon, which deserves to live? And which one deserves to die? You choose.'' Kenneth's finger pressed down on the button, and in seconds, two piles of enormous amounts of snow was dumped down both holes. The one hole below Martha, and the hole below Clark. With only a few seconds to spare, it left Jonathon at a loss. He couldn't choose between the two people he cared for the most, but he wasn't faster enough to save both.

''You'd better choose quickly, Jonathon.'' Jonathon twisted around. Behind him was another Kenneth. Both of them stood, eyeing him with the stupidest expression he'd ever seen. Kenneth somehow had either made a clone, or had been infected during the meter shower. With the same piece of kryptonite, stolen from the barn, in Kenneth's hand, Jonathon watched slowly, as the clone placed the kryptonite, right next to Clark's shoulder, and throwing himself out of the way, as both mountains of snow, buried both Clark and Martha. Overpowered by adrenaline, Jonathon raced towards his wife, dashing his hands, he raced to move all the snow away, once he saw Martha's face, he moved his hands around the pole where he reached her hands. Without caution, he twisted the tape till it broke right in the middle, freeing her.

Making sure he had her; he carried her over to the second pole, with his heart beating the entire time, he laid her down beside him, making sure she had a pulse and was breathing. He dove his arms down into the second mountain of snow. Once he felt Clark's body in his arms, he pulled him up. Holding his son's body up to his chest, leaning his ear along his chest, listening for a pulse. And once he felt one. Clark took a large gasp of air.

He was startled awake, fighting and moving around in his father's arms. Until he met his eyes.

''Dad?'' his voice was nothing but a whisper, and as Jonathon stared into his son's tired eyes, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning his head, he saw his wife's lovely face. Martha placed her hand around both of them, and the three embraced one another. As their faces touched, Jonathon shivered from the touch of their icy faces. Johnathon, having laid eyes upon Clark's jacket, then Martha's jacket, brought the two jackets over to them, and as Clark and Martha stood beside one another, supporting each other as their muscles ached. Clark had his jacket on and hugged himself tightly by wrapping both his arms around himself. He felt the warmth instantly, and without the effects of the meter rock, no longer effecting him, he instantly felt his body temperature increasing.

''Dad? He got away. Should we go after him?'' Clark asked. ''I'm well enough.''

''No, son, your not. Besides, that's enough excitement to last a lifetime. Let's just get you both home, where its warm. Jonathon said as he pulled both Clark and Martha towards him.

''That kryptonite really had me losing it there, I'd never felt colder.'' Clark said, his voice still shaky.

''I'm just glad you're all right, I hated seeing you like that, Clark. It broke my heart.'' Martha said as she quickly snuck a hug.

''I'm just glad no one got hurt.......I don't know what I would've done if something happened to you both...I promise, I'll hide nothing from my family ever again.'' Jonathon promised.

''You better.....otherwise, your sleeping outside.'' Martha laughed.

''I'll make sure he can't use the door.'' Clark shared a slight laugh.

''How will you do that?'' Jonathon asked, staring at his son, with one eyebrow raised.

''You'll think twice about opening the door, when it is heated by heat vision, dad.'' Clark said.

''You're probably right, Clark.'' Johnathon said, scratching the back of his head nervously.

As the truck was started, and took off down the road, the snowflakes fell more sweetly.....and as the cold wind slowly died down. A distant shadow peered out through the black trees.........casting a dark wickedness past the warehouse, as broken glass, and frozen ice covered it, like a blanket.....the warehouse had been swallowed almost immediately.........

Kryptonite Cold #1 Cold RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now