Chapter Four

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Martha and Jonathon sat quietly at the kitchen table. The meal had already been dished out, and was ready to be eaten. With everything done and ready, all they had to do was now, was wait for their son to be finished with his chores, and come into the house. Jonathon had promised once he was finished, the three of them would talk about what had happened earlier in the day. But that had been five hours ago, and it was about to be six in two seconds. Martha, who had sat down, without a worry on her mind, had plenty to worry about now. And Jonathan had volunteered to go out and look for him, many times, but Martha had told him, no.

But now she was tired of waiting, worrying about what could've happened to her son, and motioned for the two of them to go out and look for him. Jonathon was the first to rise from his spot at the table. Quickly he moved along the floor, to the doorway, in the kitchen's corner. He lifted his hand up and over, where he returned with a shotgun, in both.

''He should've been done by now, Jonathon!'' Martha shouted.

''I know, I know!'' Jonathon replied, being the first to leave the house, through the door. It was dark and depressing out now, just the sounds of crickets and insects all around, he went down the stairs and went straight for the barn, having known Clark had some of his chores, there, that seemed to be the first place to check. The snow fall came slowly afterwards, and it poured down all around him, Jonathon didn't even seem bothered.

''Jonathon! The trucks still here? He didn't leave.'' he heard Martha shout. ''Is he in there?!'' she asked. Glancing around at every single area, every single corner, he found nothing. No signs of Clark, but a small hammer that had been left on the desk, at the top of the stairs, in the loft. And once he noticed the first drawer, had been opened, his eyes found the grey lead box, needing to check it, Jonathon held the box in his hands, allowing the shotgun to be put down next to his feet, still with the safety on, he wasn't worried about accidentally shooting himself.

''Find anything?'' Martha said as she joined him in the barn. Jonathon didn't reply, just continued staring at unfamiliar parts of the box. The drawer had been opened, and the box had been touched, maybe even opened, and they had used the meter inside on Clark. There were so many situations that could've explained what had happened to their son, Jonathon didn't want to believe in any of them. Each and everyone started with Clark's kidnapping. That's what this must be.

''someone had opened the drawer, someone took what was inside.'' Jonathon said as he turned to show Martha what contained in the box now. Which was nothing?

''Somebody took Clark, they must have! He wouldn't run away, and he wouldn't take the meter rock with him! Clark wouldn't even be able to pick it up without getting sick!'' Martha shouted, her eyes filling with sadness towards her sons's disappearance.

''I should've just came right out with it, I should've told him about Kenneth, then he'd at least know to keep his guard up.'' Jonathon whispered.

''Kenneth? Your brother? Clark's uncle? What would he want with Clark?'' Martha asked, staring at her husband with sad eyes.

''When we were kids, Kenneth was forced to leave Smallville, he was taken away, and placed into a faculty for the criminally insane. He wanted to burn down the houses of some townspeople, while he stood outside, watching as they had no way to escape. He must have just gotten out, or he escaped, either way, he's here for revenge!''

''I don't understand, why does he want revenge on you? And why did he take Clark?''

''I stood by and watched as they took him away, even with him shouting my name, begging for me to help him, I knew it was better for him if he left, better for everyone. Now, he's acting on revenge, and thinks if he takes Clark, he'd be getting his revenge on me, by hurting him......and now, he must've figured out about the meter rocks, Clark's in so much danger! I'm going to call the sheriff, tell her to organize every officer she can to organize a search for him!'' Jonathon shouted as he picked up the gun by the tip, holding it in both his hands as he kissed Martha softly on the cheek.

Kryptonite Cold #1 Cold RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now