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"Jackson," the monster snarled. A manticore, I think. He'd better be clearing off before I kill him. He just almost hurt the two demigod kids.

After 14 years of being in a demigod body, I considered myself one too, and I have grown close to them, some even sharing their own secrets with me. I was finally happy to have found a family of my own, one that cared more than anything else in the world. Yes, call me soft-hearted, but I am very fond of these demigods that, even as annoying as they were, I would have done anything to keep them safe.

Thalia, Annabeth, and I were sent to this school to rescue two powerful half-bloods my bro Grover managed to sniff out. Unfortunately, it meant there were monsters nearby. Also, unfortunately, it meant we had to go undercover as three normal students in a school dance. And that meant dancing with Annabeth, who was taller than me, thanks to Crusty, and her growth spurts.

I uncapped my trusty sword and start attacking the monster. It snarled, clearly not happy with me or the demigods. Thalia had her creepy shield, Aegis, in one hand while the other was gripping a spear, poised for the kill. As she charged, I could totally feel the fear rolling off the monster in waves. Good for Thalia, her intimidation worked. Heck, I feel scared when I look at it.

We combined forces and managed to distract the monster from the di Angelo siblings. But that didn't last long either because soon silver arrows started flying through the air, cutting clean through the manticore's spikes.

It howled, agitated. It turned, glaring at where the arrow came from. "You aren't supposed to interfere! This is mortal business!"

Then a chilling voice spoke from the woods, "You are in forest territory, that makes it fair game for my Hunt. Girls, fire!"

A piercing howl emitted from the manticore's throat because soon enough, it resembled a porcupine. Blood oozed through its thick hide as it tried to shake off the arrows, but they were too well placed.

I think I know who this is. Selena, goddess of the moon, right? Wait, or was it, Thorn? No, that's the manticore—

A scream rang through my brain. Annabeth was visible again, dangled off one of the monster's talons, her hands frantically reaching for anything that may help her escape. I rushed to her, throwing Riptide like a javelin into the manticore's shoulder, and tried to free her from its grasp.

I was too slow because it took Annabeth and flew away, leaving an evil cackle in the howling wind.

I just stared there, not believing a single moment.

It was until Thalia put her hand on my shoulder did I realize everyone was staring at me. She led me to a tent, but on my way, I found Annabeth's Yankees cap. I pocketed it and headed inside the silvery tent.

"Sit, boy. I want a word with you, alone."

"You're a goddess. You should have stopped Annabeth from getting captured."

"No, that is not what I—"

"And if it's about Bianca, I just wanted her brother to be happy. She didn't even get a good camp experience and you're—"

"Silence. Now, I sense something different in you. Is that true?"

I snapped my mouth shut with an audible click. This was getting out of hand.

"No? Then why do I sense your aura... it's different."

"Oh?" I put on my best innocent face, combined with my puppy eyes.

Artemis had to look away. After some time, she composed herself. She looked at me expectantly and raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know what you're talking about, My Lady. I never knew my aura was different."

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