Letter #1

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A month had passed, and the second task to the Triwizard Tournament had been coming closer than ever. Y/n had been doubtful about the task, as she knew it involved something with a large body of water.

"Fucking bitch." Y/n couldn't help but saying as she threw her quill down at her paper, ink spattering over her paper and on her wall a bit.

"What's wrong?" George asked, tilting his head over to look at her from across her room.

"The tournament! I'm trying to find out what the hell it's going to be!" Y/n said, her hands resting on her head.

"Didn't the egg help you?" He asked, taking his book off of his lap and shifting all of his attention to her.

"It didn't help me. I don't understand, what do I do?" Y/n took a deep breath, closing her eyes.

"Y/n, it'll be okay. You handled the first one like a champ, you'll do fine." George tried to soothe her.

"George, I have burn scars on my arms and I had to be hospitalized for a few days," Y/n confirmed, standing out of her chair and walking over to her bed where George sat.

"I know, but maybe things will go different this time. Maybe your surroundings will make things better." Y/n sat on the bed and rested her head on the headboard.

"How are my surroundings going to change things?" She asked, closing her eyes.

"Well, aren't things going well with Fred? You guys have been rather close lately, is something happening between you guys." Y/n opened one eye to peer at George.

She raised her eyebrow, "He hasn't told you? Wait, never mind. It doesn't matter." Y/n shook away George's question and closed her eyes again, resting her face.

"What happened? I want to know? Are you guys," He paused, looking at her with a suggestive eye, "like, you know."

"George, it doesn't matter." Y/n quickly restated.

George gasped loudly, "You guys are not! Oh my god! I can't believe he didn't tell me! I'm his twin and I didn't know!" George squealed.

Y/n smirked, "George, I'm still recovering from Adrian. We're just fooling around, it's nothing serious." said Y/n, sighing.

"Okay, sure. Whatever you say. But, what if you guys do get back together? Will you tell me?" George asked, leaning closer to Y/n as if he was on the edge of his seat.

Just then, the door opened and Fred appeared, "Speak of the devil." Y/n stated, opening her eyes and watching the reaction George made.

"My twin! I was just asking about you! Do you want to know what I know?" George asked, grinning widely.

"Tell me." Fred closed the door and sat beside Y/n on the bed.

"I heard from a bird, that someone is sleeping with our best friend Y/n." George blushed, trying to hold in the juicy bits.

"Oh yeah, "Fred began, trying to stop himself from blushing, as it would blow his cover, "who do you think it is?"

"You." George sang, standing up and clapping his hands as he twirled around the dorm.

"Did you tell him?" Fred whispered to Y/n.

"I didn't tell him much, he just went with it. But I did agree to his assumption." Y/n spoke softly.

"Naughty girl you are," Fred smirked, causing Y/n to blush.

"You love it." Y/n grinned, standing up and walking back over to her desk.

The Best Friend (A Fred Weasley Fanfic): The Days AwakeWhere stories live. Discover now