A Friend

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"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Harry yelled out loud in his dorm.

Ron surrounded him and watched as he sobbed. Ron sat back and rubbed Harry's shoulders, allowing him to relax.

"Harry mate, please, stop crying," Ron begged, trying to stop his best friend from crying the whole day.

"Why s-should I-I?" Harry stuttered as the mucus in his nose and the saliva in his mouth ran.

"You'll be okay Harry, I promise you. But please, you're making me want to cry," Ron asked once more.

Harry turned around and wrapped his arms around Ron, "I don't want to be alone right now," said Harry. "Please stay."

Ron held his sobbing friend and rubbed his back, a silent tear running from his eye.

I'm sorry Harry, I am. I'll get Hermione to help you with this. I hope that this ends well, but I also wish it never happened. Ron said in his head, hoping to hold that Harry would understand through the silence in the room that he cared.

Time had gone by, more time than general. Y/n still couldn't believe her eyes as Harry walked up to the maze with the other contestants, Cedric, Fleur, and Viktor. Her heartbeat sped up as she saw them all walk into the maze, the music from the band making the event even more nerve-racking.

"It's gonna be alright love, I promise you," Angelina told Y/n as she gripped her hand and gave a reassuring smile.

Y/n grinned slightly and then looked back at the maze. Fred rubbed her head and leaned on her shoulder.

"It's gonna be alright Y/n, Harry always handles these situations best," George said.

Fred hummed and took a deep breath, trying to relax as his face paint itched on his cheeks. He took his head off of Y/ns shoulder after he decided to itch his face paint.

Harry wandered through the maze, taking random turns and twists. He hoped that his wandering would eventually lead him to the Triwizard Tournament Cup, also known as the key to the winning title.

Harry watched as fog clouded the dark sky. He simply got chills just by the thought of something happening to the others. His stomach growled and rumbled as he walked, not because he was hungry, he was just insanely nervous.

At some point, he felt like running out of the maze and giving up, but he knew he couldn't. If he did, he wouldn't even be able to express the disappointment and sorrow his classmates and upper-classmates would think. But also, he couldn't stop because of Y/n.

She had put so much into the tournament, she had risked her life each time. And the worst part about it- she never once told him that she had any problems about it. She had willingly put her life on the line just to keep his life a bit longer, just a little bit.

Harry heard distant screams from somewhere in the maze, this just increased his nervousness even more. Harry gripped his wand and began to jog.

Straight, left, right, straight, a dead end.

Harry turned around and took a left a bit ahead. As he turned, he faced himself with no other but Cedric Diggory.

Harry nearly yelled in freight but stopped himself just at a near shriek. Harry grasped his chest and walked towards Cedric.

"Harry! I think something's wrong with the maze!" Cedric quickly announced to the poor boy.

"What are you talking about Cedric?" Harry asked, his heart calming down from the recent scare.

"I don't know, but it doesn't feel right. Why don't we stick together?" Said Cedric.

"Stick together? This is a tournament Cedric, not hide and seek," Harry retorted.

The Best Friend (A Fred Weasley Fanfic): The Days AwakeWhere stories live. Discover now