Chapter One - Bitter Resentment

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Cecil slowly took his head phones off. He heard the beginning of the station's new program, playing the screams of mute children. He had just finished the days program, and he dreaded heading home alone, again. Before Carlos had gone through the Oak Door, he had waited for Cecil each and every day outside of the station, and they held hands as they walked to either's house. But with Carlos still gone, Cecil had fallen prey to much worse traditions.

After he said goodbye to Intern Maureen, and performed the daily blood sacrifice to Station Management, he turned into the biting air of the outside world. The air was feeling particularly hungry today, and so took much larger bites than usual. Cecil made a mental note to report about this in tomorrow's broadcast.

Lost in his thoughts about the broadcast of tomorrow's day, Cecil found himself walking a path he walked often nowadays. He decided that there was no point in heading home straight away, and so continued along the path his feet lead him.

As he entered the Barista District of his beloved town, countless young vendors fell in line behind him, shouting out various alcoholic and caffeinated beverages he could purchase. He turned each one down, performing the usual dance to indicate that he was not interested in purchasing their wares. He continued walking, until he reached the Barista Nest in the center of the district. As he entered, more vendors literally pounced on him, and he finally accepted a few shots of Nightvale whiskey, produced by John Peters - you know, the farmer.

He stayed at the establishment until the early hours, when the birds of Nightvale sat up and sang their woes to the world. Cecil was thoroughly intoxicated, and had troubles in getting home. After a few scrapes and bruises, and a promise to help Old Woman Josie with her garden, he collapsed at home. The one thing that remained in his head as he fell into a nightmare filled slumber was that Carlos, his beautiful, sweet Carlos, didn't care enough to come home.

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