Chapter 19: Judgement Day Part 1

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The following morning, I had awoken to more texts from Sakura as usual. She had spent the previous night talking about the operation with her parents, as well as spending time with them. I had hoped that we might spend some time together, but her next message squashed that idea.

"I'll be seeing Kyoko for most of the day, and I have some things to do before tomorrow so I won't be able to see you today :( hope you slept well. Miss you." Well that is a bummer. But I could understand that she'd want to spend time with her family and friends, it wasn't fair if I got to take all of her free time.

"I miss you too. Have fun with Kyoko today." I wondered if I should say more, but decided to leave my reply at that. Despite our unique relationship, I didn't want to come off as clingy or needy. I may not have a ton of experience in this department, but that probably wouldn't go over well.

I thought about what I would do for the day, debating on if I should text someone to make plans. Instead I found myself at my desk, a pile of books in front of me. It had been a while since I had time to myself, between the looping and the past few days with Sakura.

Hours passed by as I read, checking my phone every so often in hopes that another message from Sakura would come. I wondered if I should send a message first, but the thought that it might distract her from spending time with Kyoko turned me off from the idea.

I was making my way through the third book in the pile when my phone finally vibrated. Quickly putting the book down, I looked to see that it was from Sakura. "Just got back home, sorry I didn't talk to you earlier. Today was such a busy day, and I've still got some more to do but I really missed you. Are you busy?"

Maybe it wouldn't have come off as clingy then. "Nope, just taking a break from some reading." I hit send, placing the phone back on the desk. Before I could even begin to do a light stretch, my phone started to vibrate once again. Instead of another message, this time she was calling.

"Hello?" Instantly the sound of her voice filled my ear, more pleasant than any music. "Hi, I'm not interrupting your reading am I?" If only you knew I've been waiting for you all day. "Not at all, I was actually thinking of finishing for the day anyway. What's up?" I tried to think of what could be so important that she had to call, in fact it was the first time we had ever spoken on the phone.

"Like I said, I just really missed you today." I felt a sudden tightness in my chest as she spoke, hearing those words compared to just seeing them on a screen impacting me to the point that I could have sworn my heart skipped a beat or two. Her tone sounded a little sad, and I wondered if there was more to it.

"I missed you too. It's weird, after all the time we've spent together the past few days and it's still not enough." Wait did I really just say that? There was a pause before Sakura spoke again, and I wondered if I had said too much. "I feel the same way, I'm glad I'm not the only one."

"Is everything okay?" Please don't tell me something bad has happened, not after everything. "Of course, I just wanted to hear your voice before tomorrow. You will be there right?" I nodded, before realizing she couldn't see that. "I will be, I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Thank you, you don't know how much that means to me. My family won't be able to make it, and I couldn't ask Kyoko to come since she still doesn't know about the disease." I couldn't imagine what her reaction would be if she knew the truth. We had barely managed to skirt by the issue at the party.

"Shall I meet you at your house and we can walk together?" Even if it was only for a little bit longer, any time I could spend with Sakura I'd gladly take it. "That sounds perfect, can you be here by 10?" That would give us enough time to get to the lab, and maybe delay for a bit. "I can do that."

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