Chapter 2: Internship

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Chaeyoung's POV

"Chaeyoung, please do get me a coffee in starbucks, you can use the company's car and.... Here is the key" she tosses the key towards me.

What coffee would you like Miss? I asked.

"Just a Matcha Latte will do, thanks" she winks.

I was surprise to how she was very similar to me. I blushed as she winks at me. I grab the doors handles and quickly went on my way.

Mina's POV

As she leaves the room, a sigh of relief escapes my mouth. She is questionable. I am not sure of my feeling about her. Am I attracted to her or is this some kind of mixed emotion... suddenly a woman is calling out to me.

"Earth to Mina? Helloo" she waves her hand infront of my face giving me a sign of consciousness.

Oh hey!, what are you doing here? I asked.

"Of course why wouldn't I be here? I'm here to give you the invitation. I wouldn't forget my bridesmaid" my face lit as i knew she was gonna be maried soon.

What! oh my god!, how come you didn't tell me sooner!

I scream in excitement as I imagined how I would dress up in such occasions.

"Oh well, I wanted it to be a surprised and... You can bring a plus one" she nudges my shoulder, teasing me.

Oh come on, you know I don't have someone Nayeon

"Mina! aigoo... you know I've been waiting for you to find someone, I wouldn't be even bothered if it's the same gender as long as your happy" she smiles.

Oh alright, I'll bring one

"You have one, wait really" she jumps in excitement.

yeah yeah, it's just my intern, she would be glad to go there.

i brushed her off.

"Are you sure it's only your intern?, I don't want any secrets Mina" she raised an eyebrow as she places a hand on her cheek.

Yes she is- she cuts me off as i was about to explain.

"A she! oh my god can't wait" she laughes.

Yes yes, Nayeon you know I wouldn't ever lie to you come one let's go, I'll show you out

I grabbed the door handle and went out on my way.

Chaeyoung's POV

I have finally bought Mina's Coffee and grabbed myself one too. As I head to the Company I see Mina with a rather beautiful girl. It was quiet taking an impact on my jealousy but I had no rights to do such thing, so I rode the elevator to the top floor and went inside the office.

Damn... someone already won.. I thought to myself.

As Mina arrives I look her dead in the eye, but I quickly looked at my computer screen. It was rather awkward... Silence filled the room, I could just hear the crickets noise until Mina spoke up.

"Chaeyoung, are you doing something this weekend?" she asks while looking at me.

I was startled but I answered.

Nothing, Miss do you need something this weekend I can-

she cuts me of as i was saying something.

"No, you're gonna be my plus one in a wedding and we're going to go shop"

I look her dead in the eye with a questioned face.


"Yes" she answers coldly.

Yes! I whisper under my breath.

"What was that?"


I smiled. It's my time to redeem myself. I'm so happy god!

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