Chapter 4: Fallen In Love

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Chaeyoung's POV

The alarm rung and I raise my hand to stretch them the bright sun shown upon me.

"It's the day" I jump up and sit in the edge of the bed grabbing the water on my bedside table.

I went to the bathroom and freshened up. A notification shined up on my phone. It was Mina.

"Be here at 10:00 am, we'll be early for the wedding." she texted.

I dried my hair and straightened it and wore the red dress we bought. I went out and rode the bus going to the company.

I waited for her when suddenly I felt a light tap on my shoulder, it was the driver. He was a tall very good looking man.

Mina's POV

I was very excited when I arrived at the company. I saw her standing near the entrance of the company with someone. A MAN!, well it was the driver but surge of jealousy went through me but I pulled back. I brushed off and went towards them.

Seems like you both are having a great time I awkwardly smiled.

I advised Woohyun, our driver to get the car so we can now go. He arrives and opens the door for me.

Do we have any schedule today, Chaeyoung? I look at the back and she grabs a notebook where she keeps every information she needs for my day.

"We have, like 2 meetings" She looks at me, and smiles.

Please do cancel them for me. 

"Will do"

Chaeyoung's POV

Mina seemed a little cold today, maybe she was out of it or maybe a bad day, I didn't bother her too much but she did look gorgeous. We arrived at the venue and I escorted her through the aisle as the ceremony started, it felt as though I was her groom at that time, she was smiling and I was smiling.

Pictures were taken, there were a lot of photographers, I guess Mina was very famous as a businesswoman.

Pictures were taken, there were a lot of photographers, I guess Mina was very famous as a businesswoman

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The after-party happened and we basically partied all night. It was the best night I've ever been. I never knew that rich gals like Mina partied really hard. We set off the night and Woohyun accompanied us in a hotel and we stayed there.

Mina's POV

Warm and soft arms cuddled me as I open my eyes I see Chaeyoung asleep beside me. I stared at her and placed my hand at her cheek, I've completely fallen in love with her but she might not feel the same as me.

I stand and went to the bathroom, I freshen up and wake up Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung, wake up. I slightly tap her and her eyes open up and she stretches.

A knock on the door causes me to open it and Woohyun was at the door. He informed that the officials called him and they were ready for the meeting.

Chaeyoung freshens up and we went on our way, we stopped for a quick drive-thru and went to the company, I inhaled deeply as I went inside to talk to them.

Chaeyoung's POV

I could tell she was nervous, I cheered her outside with my fist up, mouthing the words 'Hwaiting', she smiled with sparkle in her eyes. I went out and grabbed a Coffee to refresh my mind so I can go on my day.

I went back in the company and saw Mina.

Well how'd it go? I asked her and gave her a coffee I bought for her.

"Well-" she looked sad.

It's okay-

"It went well!" she lit up in joy and hugged me. I was shocked but I compromise myself and smiled in joy with her.

"I got the partnership with them and that's great, is there anything in your planner of yours?" she questions me.

Not really, do you wanna do something? I asked.

"Yeah I want to, there's nothing to do right, why don't I treat you?" she holds my hands comfortably, I agreed.

"Alright then! let's go to the amusement park, I'll call Woohyun!" she grabs her phone and called Woohyun.

We've gotten really friendly to each other, we're more comfortable with each other. It seems so happy my heart flutters every time she does lovely gestures to me. Will this continue. I want it to. I hope it will.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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