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Evelyn Banks

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Evelyn Banks

When I arrive at Tannyhill the makeshift bonfire is already lit and burning. A few bodies sit around it as soft music echoes into the cold night air. I blow into my hands, attempting to warm them as I approach the bonfire, preparing to be tackled into a hug by Sarah whose wide smile can be seen from a mile away.

"You came!" She exclaims joyfully as she wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me into her embrace as I chuckle into her hair.

"Yeah well when you beg me over the phone how can I say no" I laugh as I follow her to the seats and collapse into the one beside Topper and Kelce.

Sarah meant it when she said it was a little get together, there's only four of us here. I know she could've invited a whole boatload of people who would show up in a heart beat but she just wanted it to be a private affair. I was grateful, after my situation with Rafe at the party a few weeks ago, I didn't feel comfortable around Kooks I didn't know.

"I'm surprised you guys agreed to no alcohol" I sneer at Topper and Kelce who give each other knowing looks.

"Yeah almost didn't but Sarah managed to convince us so now we're stuck with roasting marshmallows on a Saturday night" Topper snorts, earning him a slap on the shoulder by Sarah who gives him an offended look.

It's peaceful, we just sit around the bonfire talking about anything that comes to mind as we roast marshmallows, grilling Sarah for dropping half of the packet due to her clumsiness. I gaze up at the stars in the sky, Sarah's finger tracing the constellations as she explains their meanings. I was actually glad I took the drive down here, this was a good way to unwind after having a long week.

Topper turns the music down a few notches as his phone starts to ring. He answers it, leaning back in his chair as he talks. I barely pay attention and follow Sarah's finger as she points out the stars, fascinated at how majestic they looked.

"Well, looks like we're gonna have some company guys. Rafe is coming, and he's bringing his date" Topper announces when he ends the call. His statement causes me to lift my head as I bite back a frustrated groan. Just when I thought the night was going really good.

Less than twenty minutes later, the revving of Rafe's bike fills the air as he speeds down the long driveway, skidding against the rocky ground as he comes to a halt. I try to ignore the fact that there's a girl holding onto him for dear life, her arms wrapped tightly around his torso. Her face is covered with Rafe's helmet but when she pulls it off I see the wide grin on her face.

"Rafe, that was so fun!" She beams as he helps her off the bike, taking the helmet off of her before he sets it on the handle. He curls an arm around her waist as he pulls her close to him, muttering something in her ear that makes her giggle before they approach us.

Sarah mouths an I'm so sorry as we watch them get closer, Rafe's eyes falling on me as a smirk grows on his face. He greets Topper and Kelce first, barely giving Sarah and I a second glance before he sits down on the seat across from me. As his date moves to pull at the chair beside him, he tuts and pats his knee before he sits up, making his lap more available.

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