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"come on little girl, you can at least admit it on live TV, remember this is the only chance you get to say something Dylan instead of using a cheap watch as an excuse" Jessy decided it's about time she shows this girl who is more powerful and humiliate her. Meghan stared at her in disbelief than fear. People were laughing around them, actually they were laughing at her. She was getting herself humiliated on live TV and it's all because they think she is a crazy fan. She started burning up in anger "don't you ever call me little girl cause you and I are the same age and this my be a cheap watch in terms of money but it was bought with love and no matter how much money you have or earn you won't be able to afford it". This girl was lucky they were on live TV because Jessy wouldn't be this calm. "I don't give a damn about your watch's value but you ruined my show-" "and I apologized but to save this watch i would do it a thousand times because it's that important to me". "I'ts really unbelievable what people can do to get famous" Jessy said sarcastically. " I don't care about fame cause I wouldn't even struggle in that area, thanks for the chat famous Jessy, all the best with your celebrity boyfriend and remember here in this school everyone breathes the same air whether they are famous or not. Not everything revolves around you Jessy, keep that in mind"

Meghan was out of breath, she was so nervous but still manage to put Jessy in her place. Who does she think she is throwing accusations at her trying to humiliate her on live TV. Jessy looked at her very dangerously, like should could rip her face off. Her knees felt weak but managed to move and walk away. Everyone watched her in silence maybe they were too stunned that she could be rude to Jessy the beauty queen. "let's face it, you are jealous of me that's why you tried to ruin my show and you can't accept that you and i will never be on the same level, next time you won,t be so lucky i can sue you, you know that right? so thank you for your little speech" Jessy said behind her. Meghan felt eyes bore through her back as everyone started to laugh her again. Jessy is rich, hot and famous why would anyone ever laugh at her, she was a nobody and made a fool of herself on live TV. Suddenly the bathroom felt too far way her body was getting heavier, she heard footsteps behind her, they should belong to her friends. Meghan hurried in the bathroom as bile filled her mouth. She busted through the door of the first empty toilet, knelt down, tears filling her eyes and threw up. Meghan hates crowds and has panic attacks especially when there is no one familiar around her. She even faints when it gets severe.

Tears ran down her face as her stomach got emptier and finished throwing up, that's when she felt a hand on her shoulder "I'm sorry Meg, Jessy is a real asshole at times". Meghan straightened up and flashed the toilet "there goes my delicious breakfast" she said to Kristine. They stepped out of the toilet to find Judy holding tissues for her, Meghan took them and gladly wiped her face. "I hope the little make up i had on isn't ruined" Meghan said, "if you cry some more then it's gonna be ruined" Judy replied. "come here" Kristine pulled Meghan in for a hug, Judy joined in too. They hugged for five minutes. "She shouldn't think they would end up like Jay and Bey, celebrity couples never last"," come on Judy don't be so negative" Kristine said. "I'm serious Meg, you just wait", they giggled letting each other go."see now that's the look I like to see on your face" Kristine said while straightening out her denim jacket. Judy was looking at Meghan "girl that holiday did you real good, those boobs look fabulous on you". Meghan looked at her, eyes wide open "it's just a compliment,don't look at me like that". Meghan's cheeks flushed,"let's skip school for today and go to the cafe, I really need a drink right now.....and I'm paying " Meghan added. "good cause I'm broke" Kristine said.

Meghan stared at the glitter watch in her palm and didn't regret what she had done minutes ago even if she's the talk of tomorrow shows. She slid it around her wrist and closed the claps. It still looked perfect, she smiled and let her friends lead her out of the bathroom. To her surprise when she stepped out of the bathroom she heard a familiar voice "you don't look so good with a red face Missy" Jon said behind them. They all turned and were shocked beyond belief. They couldn't believe their eyes, they couldn't believe who was standing in front of them. Yes it was Jon but he looked completely different, his hair was nicely cut and it seemed like his eye color changed too. He was neatly dressed in awesome new clothes and he smelled amazing too. He dressed in black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt hugging his chest, black denim jacket and beautiful white sneakers. He still wore the ring Meghan got him and also had a new leather back pack. No wonder why she couldn't find him, he looked completely brand new.

Meghan pushed her mind from his new look, half ran to him and gave him a big hug. "what took you so long?" she asked. "sorry i missed the show" he whispered in her ear. Even the way he was holding her was different, she noticed how well built he looked now matching with his height. This was no more her skinny friend Jon, she even noticed that she couldn't completely wrap her arms around him like last time. He might smell of expensive cologne but still smelled like his his old self, a smell of lavender and his favorite soap. It reassured her even though he looked different he was still Jon. "that was no show, that was me getting myself embarrassed on live TV Jon" she said pulling away from him. "why are you saying that Meghan, actually what you did was very courageous, you shouldn't be embarrassed cause you did nothing wrong and you should walk with your head held high" " yeah right,not after the whole world laughs at you" she replied. "did you see me laugh at you?did Kristine?,Judy?, your mom or dad? no! your world revolves around us and your world did not laugh at you so pull yourself together".

"you are making so much sense Jon tell her to stop being a cry baby" Judy said nearing them. "she cries about everything" Kristine said joining them. Jon places his hands on her shoulder, since he's taller she looks up at him. "Meghan i expect better from you next time, you can't break down all the time or people like Jessy will always get their way, if you do it again i won't talk to you no more" she blinked at him not breaking off the eye contact."we were leaving for the cafe Jon join us" Judy invited him breaking off their eye contact. Jon looked around, everyone was leaving and they were the only ones still here. Jon let her shoulders go and placed his hands in his pockets coolly and looked at the little watch around her wrist "still looks pretty good on you" he said. Meghan looked at him confused then it clicked to her that he was talking about the watch. She slightly adjusted it, that's when she felt Jon's hands around her wrist and his hands were so warm......

....Do you think the way Jon treats Meghan it's more than a friend....and what about his sudden change of his appearance?

and what about his sudden change of his appearance?

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Jessy's outfit ....

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