🌟 star struck

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It seemed like the air conditioners were suddenly turned on when Jessy walked in with her two friends, Bethany and Emma looking very stunning but as usual Jessy took the spotlight. Jessy was wearing a red floral dress hugging her curves tightly and showing gorgeous cleavage. Meghan always heard guys talking about how they would give up anything for a night with Jessy. Jessy is a redhead with a model's height and wore long black heels. She is a sexy model with gorgeous boobs. She is wasn't only popular in high school but in the whole town too. She only dated really hot and popular guys since she was the mayor's only daughter. Bethany is really pretty but most guys don't notice her because of Jessy.

Bethany is the tallest of them all with brown curly hair and loves to wear jeans, everyone knew just how much she rocks in them. Emma is the shortest in the group, she has short brown hair dyed red at the edges. She mostly wore dresses and had the smallest figure among them. Kristine moved Judy and Meghan out of Jessy's way. Suddenly two grown men turned up from behind them, one man held camera and speaker the other and the other holding a light. Jessy started to speak, capturing everyone's attention. "today is the first day for everyone at school for the year and i feel awesome and I'm pretty excited about this year, i feel great things coming","you are totally right Jess" Bethany said "why don't you tell everyone the big news?" Emma asked Jessy.

Someone in the crowd shouted " what's the big news ladies?". Jessy smiled her cheeks filling with color. (Did she just blush on live TV?)Meghan wondered. Jessy lifted her manicured hand placing it on her cleavage, her smile widening. "come on guys, it's not time for you to know yet" she said with half a laugh. She looked so good and her skin was flawless. Meghan was starting to wonder where Jessy spent her holiday, her skin was perfectly tan, she clearly received enough sunshine. "why not spill the beans Jess? Do you really want to disappoint your fans?". The crowd started to question her. "do i ever disappoint you guys? oh come on!", "Jessy and Dylan are officially a couple!". The crowd went mute. "Dylan who?" someone asked. Meghan wondered if its the famous Dylan. Jessy acted a little surprised that Bethany announced her relationship status on live TV, but Meghan was sure this is exactly what the planned. "Dylan Mayer" Emma said. Jessy's cheeks seem to turn dark pink , she gave a sweet chuckle. "no need to act stunned guys and Beth, Emm how could you?"

Meghan heard Judy say something but couldn't make it out. Jessy started walking heading towards them, the camera men moving backwards filming her. There was a pleasing smile on Jessy's face when she quickly examined the girls reaction in the hall way. Meghan knew what she saw, envy and jealousy. Some girls were furious, most of them really stunned. "wow" Meghan muttered. "oh wow Dylan the rock star!" Kristine shouted."I'm jealous why does she always get the good guys?" Judy asked. Meghan shook her head in disbelief of their reactions. "who's this Dylan either way?", Judy and Kristine looked at her in shock "don't play dumb with us, you know the guy" Kristine said. Meghan than raked her memory and finally remembered a poster of a guy with gorgeous brown long hair wearing black leather pants, a loose white satin shirt with three buttons open revealing a fit body and a bandanna around his head. His eyes were closed and had eye liner, she saw the poster at the cafe and he really looked cool. Meghan admits how handsome he really looked and his music was popular too but not her style.

No wonder why she didn't know much about him or how he really looked but one thing she was sure of was that he was such a famous artist, so how did Jessy get her hands on him. Out from her thoughts back to reality. Jessy and her crew were closing in on them and by the looks of it looks like the were doing their closing remarks for the show and that's when Meghan noticed her watch on the floor only a few inches from Jessy, if Jessy moves one more step it would be crushed and Meghan wouldn't allow that. So she moves without thinking and grabs the watch. When she gets up she bumped into Jessy "ouch!" Jessy yelled, her eyes filled with fury. "sorry, I'm really sorry" Meghan apologized but Jessy's strings already snapped "you are ruining my show! can't you see we are live?". Meghan was a little taken aback by her sharp attack, she looked for Judy and Kristine who had their hands covering their mouths clearly surprised and shocked. Only then when she read their facial expression screaming "Run!" but her legs were not moving. She is on live TV for all heaven's sake running was a good option right now but all she could do was hold on to the watch.

She was so nervous and her friends aren't even here to save her, she looked at them with pleading eyes and noticed she still stood in front Jessy blocking her way. "I'm sorry, i just wanted to get my watch before you could accidentally step on it", Jessy looked down at her and saw the sparkly blue watch in the girl's hand and wondered who she was and why she ruined her show. "you ruined my show for your cheap watch?" she asked "or is it more than that?" she continued when Meghan remained quite. "I get that you might be Dylan's super fan and i have nothing against his fans but even if you are against us being a couple that's okay too but you can't just do whatever you want". Meghan should've expected this but she was still in the wrong she should just apologize and leave and then it will all be over. "I'm sorry Jessy, I was only trying to save my watch, I'm not against your relationship or anything like what you said". Jessy couldn't believe her ears, looks like this girl had more guts then she expected...

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