Gift of defeat

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I approach the Eifel tower as I get close I can see Hawkmoth in the distance I quickly make fake Ladybug Earrings to give to Hawkmoth "Hawkmoth the Ladybug Miraculous" I say knowing he wont see through me as he touches the fake Earrings I grab the brooch the source of his power the Butterfly Miraculous, and Hawkmoth is no more now it is just Gaberiel Agreste. "Fabricator no" he screams I pay it no mind I can now get full vengeance on Lila no interruptions. As I leave him stranded a top the Efiel tower, I look to the miraculous, I'm holding both the brooch and earrings not knowing what to do, hmm maybe I can increase my power by wearing them. As I put on the brooch a purple light comes out and a strange purple creature appears before me "What are you" it responds timidly "I'm a Kwami the source of the Miraculous's power" hmm guess I'll where both. I put the earrings on this time it was red. "How do I get the powers from you" I ask both Kwamis, the red one responds first. "say spots on" and then the purple one "Wings rise" the Ladybug Miraculous is the most powerful I'll start with that "Spots On" the magic flows over me it feels nostalgic as it finishes washing me over. That's when I remember that's when the Akuma is purified that when I die and I come back I'm no longer Fabricator, I'm Marinette AKA Ladybug "Oh my god, Tikki Spots Off" As Tikki comes out I can see her doing the Kwami equivalent of crying "Marinette I was so worried about you, Master Fu didn't believe me at first and only gave me to a tempary holder after the thread monster, I was worried, what was happening and how did you deAkumatize yourself" "I think I knew as Fabricator that I would be purified if I transformed into Ladybug and I think my subconscious was feeding Fabricator information so she could defeat Hawkmoth and get unAkumatized." Nooroo beside me, staring in confusion says "Thank you so much Ladybug even as a Akuma you saved me" "yep now we just ... need to ... arrest ... Hawkmoth ... I don't know who Hawkmoth is I know Fabricator knew but I know longer know aghhh dammit and I still need the Peacock Miraculous" Tikki starts to comfort me "It fine Marinette even just the butterfly is good" "ye-yeah and the Peacock Miraculous is broken so Haw-Hawkmoth won't be able to use it for long." Nooroo adds. "you should probably transform and change everything back to normal." "oh yeah, Tikki, Spots On, Lucky Charm, Miraculous Ladybug, Spots Off. Few done." Tikki Starts to speak up "Marinette you need to tell everyone that Lila is a liar she got you Akumatized I don't care if it helped you defeat Hawkmoth you need to expose her." "but Tikki no one believes me, I already told them a bunch of times but they never believe." "which is why you'll tell them as Ladybug" "but what about not using the Miraculous selfishly" "this isn't selfish think about it this way Ladybug cant be allowed to be defeated therefore we should do things to stop that and the best way is to expose Lila." "I guess okay lets go, you to Nooroo" "I-if its not t-to much to ask master can you transform with me as well I just want to have a nice transformation" "Sure thing Tikki, Nooroo, Unify." both magic from the Kwamis cover me the purple from Nooroo be less the Akuma colour and more of a light purple. I have four sets of wings the top two ladybug wings and the bottom two where butterfly wings, I start to fly. "I am Bug Monarch, Lets expose a liar."

I arrive back at the school all repaired and I see Chat approaching with his lovestruck eyes "M'lady, what's with the new look, where were you, how did you get the Miraculous back from Fabricator, on that note who was Fabricator." I smile happy with his friendliness though its strained due to the uncomfortable look his giving me, not to mention it feels as if should hate him. I make up an answer on the spot. "I was out and it was dangerous to leave Paris without the Ladybug Miraculous so I gave it to 'HIM' just in case and I had the Horse Miraculous just in case, I came back because I thought the worst case scenario happened. On that note Fabricator was Marinette Dupain-Cheng and she betrayed Hawkmoth as an Akuma without him realizing and stole the Butterfly Miraculous from him which is why I look different and then she willingly let me deAkumatize her she gave me the Ladybug Miraculous and Butterfly and I cast Miraculous Ladybug then left the Horse back at 'HIS' place." I feel like my story was believable and somewhat true without exposing my identity hopefully Chat got the hint on who the HE was so no one else especially Alya new what I was talking about. I decide to add a reason on why I came back so Ladybug or in this case Bug Monarch doesn't have to feel guilty about exposing Lila "Oh also an announcement Lila is a liar Marinette got Akumatized because of her lying and turning her friends against her" I make sure to say extra loud so everyone around hears. "Lila what's she talking about" Alya says panicked. I can see the worry on Lila's face I bet she didn't think I would expose her again. "That's not Ladybug th-thats Fabricator tricking us" "Nice try Lila" I start before anyone even considers falling for her lies "but you'll find I'm the real deal, though I guess your right I'm not Ladybug, I'm Bug Monarch and now that Hawkmoth no longer has the Butterfly Miraculous I wont have to worry about you being Akumatized after being exposed again, anyway I only announced that as thanks to Marinette for helping defeat Hawkmoth and because as I already said Lila cant be Akumatized for being exposed. Bug Out" and I fly away, towards Fu's place, leaving a panicked Lila and an angry class, along with a confused Chat Noir.

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